Общности по расовым, этническим, языковым, религиозным признакам
Материалы по теме
Features ethnic young plants Russian workers
Fadeev Pavel.Features ethnic young plants Russian workers.Moscow, 2017.
On the establishment of metric books for the recording of marriages, the birth and death of schismatics
On the establishment of metric books for the recording of marriages, the birth and death of schismatics. [St. Petersburg, 1874]. |
National game as a factor in the formation of the ethno-cultural identity of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Karaseva, Galina Ivanovna (candidate of pedagogical sciences). National game as a factor in the formation of the ethno-cultural identity of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). St. Petersburg, 2012. |
Mobilization of Russian identity in the late XIX - early XX centuries
Matveev, Alexander Valerievich (candidate of historical sciences). Mobilization of Russian identity in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Moscow, 2011. |
The mobilization potential of ethnic identity in political conflicts
Bezugly, Vladimir Fedorovich. Mobilization potential of ethnic identity in political conflicts. St. Petersburg, 2015. |
Interethnic tolerance of modern students
Bimbaeva, Erzena Vasilyevna. Interethnic tolerance of modern students. Ulan-Ude, 2011. |
Interethnic tolerance of the population of a modern polyethnic city
Chimitova, Irina Zorigtoyevna (candidate of sociological sciences). Interethnic tolerance of the population of a modern polyethnic city. Ulan-Ude, 2011. |
Interethnic tolerance of the population of a modern polyethnic city
Chimitova, Irina Zorigtoyevna (candidate of sociological sciences). Interethnic tolerance of the population of a modern polyethnic city. Ulan-Ude, 2011. |
Interethnic tolerance as a resource of social communication in a multicultural society
Klimenko, Ekaterina Vladimirovna (candidate of cultural studies). Interethnic tolerance as a resource of social communication in a multicultural society. St. Petersburg, 2009. |
Cultural identity of small ethnic groups of transboundary
Sunduyev, Dina Borisovna.Cultural identity of small ethnic groups of transboundary.Chita, 2017.