Период 1918

Период 1918

Материалы по теме

Докладная записка наркома по иностранным делам СССР М. М. Литвинова И. В. Сталину об отношении различных государств к перспективе вступления СССР в Лигу наций

Memorandum from Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov to J. Stalin about the attitude of different states to the possible admission of the USSR to the League of Nations. Original. Signature and corrections – autograph of M. Litvinov, mark “My archive. J. Stalin” - autograph of J. Stalin.

Докладная записка наркома по иностранным делам СССР М. М. Литвинова И. В. Сталину о заседании Бюро конференции по разоружению в Женеве, с приложением проекта тезисов заявления советского делегата о необходимости полного, всеобщего и немедленного разоружен

Memorandum from Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov to J. Stalin regarding a meeting of the Bureau of the Geneva Conference on Disarmament, with attached draft headnotes of the declaration of the Soviet delegate about the need for complete, general and immediate disarmament and the identification of aggressors (approved by the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on 4 April 1934) Original. Signature and mark in red ink – autograph of M. Litvinov, resolution in blue pencil – autograph of J. Stalin, corrections and resolution in plain pencil – autograph of member of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee V. Molotov.

Докладная записка наркома по иностранным делам СССР М. М. Литвинова И. В. Сталину "О Восточном пакте"

Memorandum from Soviet Deputy Commissar of Foreign Affairs B. Stomonyakov to J. Stalin regarding the publication in the Polish press of political articles justifying Poland’s pro-German orientation with an attached draft resolution of the Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee. Memorandum – copy, draft resolution – copy.

Вудро Вильсон. Мировая война. Версальский мир

Бекер, Рей Стэннарт (1870-1946). Вудро Вильсон. Мировая война. Версальский мир. Москва : Государственное издательство, 1923; Петроград.

Возложение венка на памятную плиту на месте, где были убиты король Югославии Александр I Карагеоргиевич и министр иностранных дел Франции Л. Барту : фотография

Secret agent information of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate on Franco-German relations. Cover letter from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov of 22 December 1935 with attached secret agent information. Secret agent information – certified copy, cover letter – original.

Appeal of the Central Committee of the German Communist Party “Denouncing the anti-Soviet campaign against the II International. Against war and Fascism ”, approved by the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committ

Appeal of the Central Committee of the German Communist Party “Denouncing the anti-Soviet campaign against the II International. Against war and Fascism”, approved by the Political Committee of the Political Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee. Original.

Appeal from the Bureau of the Labor and Socialist International “To the Workers of the World”, adopted at a meeting of the International on February 18–19, 1933 in Zurich, regarding A. Hitler's rise to power in Germany, the danger of Fascism, and the Inte

Appeal from the Bureau of the Labour and Socialist International “To the Workers of the World”, adopted at a meeting of the International on 18–19 February 1933 in Zurich, regarding A. Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, the danger of Fascism, and the International’s readiness to cooperate with the Comintern against Reactionism and the threat of war. Copy.
