СССР в период Второй мировой и Великой Отечественной войн (1939
СССР в период Великой Отечественной войны (1941 26866
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- Оккупационный режим. Потери. Разрушения
- Отдельные местности в Великой Отечественной войне
- Партизанское движение
- Персоналии участников Великой Отечественной войны
- Социально-экономические отношения
Материалы по теме
Legal responsibility in conditions of martial law (on the experience of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945)
Bondarenko, Dmitry Vladimirovich
Legal responsibility in conditions of martial law (on the experience of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945). Moscow, 2005. |
Yu.B.Levitan in a group with A.I.Golovina at work in the radio center.Moscow city.Photo.The author is not installed.[1944]
Yu.B.Levitan in a group with A.I.Golovina at work in the radio center.Moscow city.Photo.The author is not installed.[1944].1944.
Shub-Teklina Zinaida Yulyevna with a group of students of medical institute in the classroom in the autopsy room
Shub-Teklina Zinaida Yulyevna with a group of students of medical institute in the classroom in the autopsy room.[Minsk, 1930.].
Ciphermelogram of the adviser to the USSR mission in Sweden V.S.Semenova with the Messenger of Romania in Sweden F. Nan in connection with the explanation of the Romanian side of some points of the Soviet conditions of a truce with Romania.1st copies.Sendings.June 1, 1944
Ciphermelogram of the adviser to the USSR mission in Sweden V.S.Semenova with the Messenger of Romania in Sweden F. Nan in connection with the explanation of the Romanian side of some points of the Soviet conditions of a truce with Romania.1st copies.Sendings.June 1, 19441944.
Ciphermelogram of the adviser to the USSR mission in Sweden V. S. Semenov to the foreign exchange of the USSR to the USSR Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov about the receipt of the President of Finland K. G. Mannerheim through the Messenger of Finland in Sweden in Sweden in Sweden.
Ciphermeligram of the adviser to the USSR mission in Sweden V. S. Semenov to the Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov about the receipt of G.A. Gripenberg, the President of Finland K. G. Mannerheim, regarding the procedure for the internal order of German troops in the Finnish territory and the terminationmilitary operations and the withdrawal of troops on the Soviet-Finnish line of contact.(Appendix: Appeal of K. G. Mannerheim of September 2, 1944)
Cipher telegram of the TASS representative in Bucharest M.S.Sharov to the head of TASS Y.S. Khavinson on the resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania G. Hafenk and the appointment of I. Dzhigurt to this post
Ф. 059. Шифртелеграмма представителя ТАСС в Бухаресте М. С. Шарова руководителю ТАСС Я. С. Хавинсону об отставке министра иностранных дел Румынии Г. Гафенку и назначении на этот пост И. Джигурту. |
Cipher telegram from the TASS representative in Bucharest M.S.Sharov to the head of TASS Y.S. Khavinson about the disagreements in the Romanian government in connection with the USSR's demand to transfer Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
Ф. 059. Шифртелеграмма представителя ТАСС в Бухаресте М. С. Шарова ответственному руководителю ТАСС Я. С. Хавинсону о решениях правительства Румынии в связи с требованиями СССР о передаче Бессарабии и Северной Буковины. |
Ciphers on the envoy of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai Foreign Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov about the answer of the Romanian government to the Soviet conditions of a truce put forward by Romania.1st copies.Sendings.May 29, 1944
Ciphers on the envoy of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai Foreign Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov about the answer of the Romanian government to the Soviet conditions of a truce put forward by Romania.1st copies.Sendings.May 29, 19441944.
Ciphers on the Messenger of the USSR in Sweden A. M. Kollontai Foreign Foreign Foreign to the USSR V. M. Molotov about the reception of the Messenger of Finland in Sweden G. A. Gripenberg in connection with the presentation of the official appeal of the Government of Finland with a request for admission in Moscow
F. 059.The encryption of the USSR Messenger in Sweden A. M. Kollontai to the Foreign Foreign Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov on the reception of the envoy of Finland in Sweden G. A. Gripenberg in connection with the delivery of the official appeal of the Government of Finland in Moscow with the Finnish delegation for negotiations for negotiationsAbout a truce.
Ciphers on the envoy of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai Foreign Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov about the conversation of the adviser to the mission V.S.Semenova with the Messenger of Romania in Stockholm F. Nan when he was presenting to them the Romanian government’s response to Soviet conditions
Ciphers on the envoy of the USSR in Sweden A.M.Kollontai Foreign Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M.Molotov about the conversation of the adviser to the mission V.S.Semenova with the Messenger of Romania in Stockholm F. Nan, when he was presenting to them, the Romanian government to the Soviet conditions of the ceasefire.1st copies.Sendings.May 30, 19441944.