Народное ополчение
Материалы по теме
Formation and activities of fighter battalions
Formation and activity of fighter battalions. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2010. |
Information about enlisting in the ranks of the October Volunteer Division Ugarova BS
Information about enlisting in the ranks of the October Volunteer Division Ugarova BS Leningrad: 1st type. Gizlegproma, 1941. |
Fighting to the Elbe
With battles to the Elbe. Moscow: Moscow. Worker, 1979. |
At the call of the motherland. Volunteer paramilitary formations of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War
Kirsanov, Nikolai Andreevich
At the call of the motherland. Volunteer paramilitary formations of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. M .: Thought, 1974. |
Partisan movement in the Center and the North-West
Partisan movement in the Center and the North-West. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2010. |
Militiamen in the battles for their hometown
Loginov, Ivan Maksimovich Militiamen in the battles for their hometown. Location Volgograd: Book. publishing house, 1963. |
Militias. Kalinkin bridge.
Militias. Kalinkin bridge.
Militia formations of the Russian Federation during the Great Patriotic War
Kolesnik, Alexander Dmitrievich
Militia formations of the Russian Federation during the Great Patriotic War. Moscow: Science, 1988. |
People's Militia Defends Homeland
The people's militia defends the homeland. Moscow: Nauka, 1990. |
People's militia of hero cities
Kolesnik, Alexander Dmitrievich
People's militia of hero cities. Moscow: Nauka, 1974. |