Formation and activities of fighter battalions

Formation and activities of fighter battalions: [fragments of newsreels / dir. installation of TI Dyakonova]. - Electron. Dan. (1 video file). - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2010. -
In the text. from the accompanying document.
Duration: 2 minutes 13 seconds.
Ukraine, 1941: Kolkhoz Fighter Squad of the collective farm "Chervonniy Khleborod" Kovkssabel in the smithy, making saddles. Cameraman L. Mazrukho. Text-by-frame: Collective Farm "Chervonniy Khleborod". Here, as in many Ukrainian villages, its own fighter squad was created. The collective farm saddlers undertook to make fighting Cossack saddles for the detachment. The collective-farm blacksmiths forged cold arms to their soldiers. A wonderful blade! And you want to rub them on the fascist head! "Get it, brothers! Beat stronger than the Fascist reptiles!" The detachment is ready for hostilities. The commander is an experienced fighter, a participant in the Civil War, Nikita Artemovich Tkachenko. Before approaching the collective farmers gave the order the order: "Do not spare forces, protect your native land from the German villains" .
I. Dyakonova, Tatiana Ivanovna. II. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin. 1. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. The Great Patriotic War - Occupied areas - Ukrainian SSR - 1941 - 1945. 4. The Great Patriotic War - 1941 - 1945 - Documentary chronicles. 5. Historical documentary.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622,4я04
Source of electronic copy: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека им. Б. Н. Ельцина
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