Азия в XVIII в.
Материалы по теме
Reports, dispatches and letters of Russian diplomatic representatives in Japan, China, Mongolia and Korea on the Far Eastern issue, sent to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Russia. Council of Ministers Reports, dispatches and letters of Russian diplomatic representatives in Japan, China, Mongolia and Korea on the Far Eastern issue, sent to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Film of 1910. |
The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Military Ministry to determine the foreign policy of the Russian government in connection with the international situation in the Middle, Middle and Far East
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Military Ministry to determine the foreign policy of the Russian government in connection with the international situation in the Middle, Middle and Far East. Film 1911-1912. |
Far Eastern policy of Russia in the perception of the Russian liberal public based on the materials of the Moscow periodical press: 1895 - 1901 gg.
Kudryavtseva, Tatyana Mikhailovna. Far Eastern policy of Russia in the perception of the Russian liberal public based on the materials of the Moscow periodical press: 1895 - 1901. Moscow, 2015. |
Civil Administration leased territories
Viktor Kazantsev, Belyayev. Civil Administration leased territories. St. Petersburg, 2015. |
The foreign policy of the Kalmyk Khanate in the XVII - XVIII centuries.
The foreign policy of the Kalmyk Khanate in the XVII - XVIII centuries. 2022.
"Yellow danger": ideas about the threat from the East in the Russian Empire in the late XIX - early XX century.
Guzei, Yana Sergeevna (candidate of historical sciences). "Yellow danger": ideas about the threat from the East in the Russian Empire in the late XIX - early XX century. St. Petersburg, 2014. |