История Африки

История Африки

Материалы по теме

A journey to holy places, in Europe, Asia and Africa being, undertaken in 1723, and completed in 1747 .... Part 1. Containing in him his pilgrimage from 1723 to 1735. Part 2. Containing in him his pilgrimage from 1735 to 1747

Grigorovich-Barsky. Basil. A journey to holy places, in Europe, Asia and Africa being, undertaken in 1723, and completed in 1747 ... St. Petersburg: B., 1793.
Part 1: Containing in him his journey from 1723 to 1735; Part 2. Containing in him the pilgrimage of it from 1735 to 1747. 1793.

The latest narrative description of all four parts of the world ,. Part 4. About Asia in general, on the northern, middle, or upper and southern Asia; about Africa in general, northern, middle and southern Africa, and about the African islands; about Amer

The latest narrative description of all four parts of the world ,. In St. Petersburg: Under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, in 1795.
Part 4: About Asia in general, about northern, middle, or upper, and southern Asia; about Africa in general, northern, middle and southern Africa, and about the African islands; about America in general, about northern and southern America; Such is the newly-discovered lands that are little known and are part of; about the sea and ship-swimming and about the flow of the most famous rivers on the globe.1795.

Agrarian question and peasant movement.T. 4. Japan.Korea.China.Manchuria.India.Indo-China.Indonesia.Turkey.Egypt.Syria.Palestine.Iraq.Algeria.Tunisia.Abyssinia.Belgian Congo.Rwanda.Urundi.Angola

Agrarian question and peasant movement.Moscow: International Agrarian Institute, 1935-1937.T. 4: Japan; Korea; China; Manchuria; India; Indo-China; Indonesia; Turkey; Egypt; Syria; Palestine; Iraq; Algeria; Tunisia; Abyssinia; Belgian Congo; Rwanda;Urundi; Angola.1937.