Travel to inland Africa E. Kovalevsky.Part 2. Earth of blacks

Kovalevsky, Egor Petrovich (writer; 1809-1868).Journey to the inland Africa E. Kovalevsky: (author of the "wanderer in land and seas" and so on): [in two parts].- St. Petersburg: in the printing house of Eduard Praz, 1849. -2 t.;22 cm. -.1. Africa - description and travel.BBK 63.3 (6)BBK 26.89 (6)Electronic copy source: PBPart 2: Earth of blacks.- [4], 200 p., 1 liter.front.(ill.), 1 l.table.: silt .. -.1. Russia and the countries of Africa: from the history of relations (collection).2. Africa - description and travel of Russians.BBK 63.3 (6)BBK 26.89 (6)Electronic copy source: Don GPBOriginal storage location: Don GPB
Publisher в типографии Эдуарда Праца
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