Cooperation of Continents
- Russia – Africa: the History of Relations
The collection is dedicated to the relations between Russia and African countries, which are based on long-term fruitful political, economic and cultural ties. It contains research studies, archival documents, visual and cartographic materials reflecting the relations between Russia and African countries from the 19th century to the end of the 20th century.
- Russia – Egypt: the history of relations
The collection features reference materials, old land descriptions, scientific researches, travel essays, archival materials and modern official documents on geography and history of Egypt and the specifics of Russia-Egypt state, economic and cultural relations from the XVIII century until present day.
- Russia – Singapore: The History of Relations
The collection includes official documents, studies, archival and reference materials, which spotlight the geographical position of Singapore and give an insight into certain aspects of relations between Russia and Singapore in different historical periods.
- Geography of Singapore
Lotsiya of the Indian Ocean. Otd. 9. The Jawayskie Sea and the straits: the Bank, Gaspar, Rio, Dorian or Dryon, Sabun, Mandol, Brevers, Malak and Singapore, with descriptions of raids and the city of Singapore
Lotsiya of the Indian Ocean. [B. m.], 1865-1871.
Dep. 9: The Javai Sea and the Straits: Bank, Gaspar, Rio, Dorian or Dryon, Sabun, Mandol, Brevers, Malak and Singapore, with descriptions of raids and the city of Singapore. St. Petersburg: Litogr. Hydrogr. Department of Mo. m-va, 1871.Лоция Индийского океана. Ч. 1. Малаккский и Зондский проливы, остров Суматра и западный берег острова Борнео
Lotsiya of the Indian Ocean. [Leningrad], 1950.
Part 1: Malaksky and Sunda Straits, Sumatra Island and the western coast of the Borneo Island. 1950.About Singapore
Russian antiquity. G. 40 1909, T. 137, book. 1-3, January-March
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and.. G. 40 1909, V. 137, book. 1-3, January-March: G. 40 1909, P. 137, book. 1-3, January-March. 1909.В. Руднев. От Нагасаки до Владивостока и Сингапура (Из воспоминаний о плавании на крейсере «Африка») (сканы 442-457)
Gold orchid
Kalinin, Vsevolod Dmitrievich. Gold orchid. Moscow: Thought, 1989.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахЭнциклопедический словарь. Т. 30. Сим - Слюзка
Brockhaus.Friedrich Arnold.1772-1823.Encyclopedic Dictionary.St. Petersburg: FA Brockhaus and IA Efron, 1890-1907.T. 30: Sim - Slyuzka.1900.Об острове и городе Сингапур (сканы 14-15)
- Russia – Singapore
О Сингапурском проливе и порте Сингапур (сканы 483-498, 505-551)