Другие проблемы экономики
Материалы по теме
Political and legal means of ensuring economic security of the Russian Federation
Napalkova, Irina Georgievna (Doctor of Law). Political and legal means of ensuring economic security of the Russian Federation. Rostov-on-Don, 2007. |
Increasing the competitiveness of agriculture of the EAEU member countries in the conditions of the formation of a common agrarian market based on the materials of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic
Chemeris, Elena Mikhailovna.Increasing the competitiveness of agriculture of the EAEU member countries in the conditions of the formation of a common agrarian market based on the materials of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic.Rostov-on-Don, 2019.
Permanence strategic priorities of Russia's economic security in the food sector
Greshonkov, Alexey Mikhailovich.The permanence of the strategic priorities of the economic security of Russia in the food sector.Tambov, 2015.
Особые экономические зоны в системе обеспечения экономической безопасности
Tazutdinov, Ildar Rashitovich.Special economic zones in the economic security system.Moscow, 2015.
The organizational and economic mechanism of risk management of Russia's food security
Barikaeva, Aigul Fargatovna.The organizational and economic mechanism of risk management of food security of Russia.Moscow, 2020.
Organizational and methodological tools for ensuring economic security through the prism of identification and development of the middle class
Yatsur, Anna Vladimirovna.Organizational and methodological tools for ensuring economic security of the territory through the prism of identification and development of the middle class.Tambov, 2013.
Dissertation thesis: Organizational-methodical aspects of economic safety of a wood complex of Russia (on an example of Krasnoyarsk region) ...
Sabancheva, Dinara Khazratalievna. Organizational-methodical aspects of economic security of the Russian forestry complex (on the example of the Krasnoyarsk Territory). St. Petersburg, 2014. |
Ensuring the economic security of the state based on the improvement of structural policy
Topolsky, Ruslan Akhtamovich.Ensuring the economic security of the state based on the improvement of structural policy.Tambov, 2015.
Ensuring Russia's food security in conditions of negative external economic impact
Muratov, Nikolay Vladimirovich. Ensuring Russia's food security in conditions of negative external economic impact. Moscow, 2016. |
Ensuring the interconnection of Russia's economic and military security in the emerging paradigm of the theory of security of the nuclear states
Ensuring the interconnection of Russia's economic and military security in the emerging paradigm of the theory of the security of nuclear states. 2013. |