История экономической мысли
Материалы по теме
Economic problems of socialism in the USSR
Stalin, I.Economic problems of socialism in the USSR.[Leningrad]: State.Publishing house politicallit., 1952.
Economy of the transition period.Part 1. General theory of the transformation process
Bukharin.Nikolay Ivanovich.Economy of the transition period.Moscow: State.Publishing.Part 1: General theory of the transformation process.1920.
Evolution of scientific thought and conceptual approaches to understanding financial and legal relations in Russia from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century.
Hajiyev, Ramazan Magomedovich
Evolution of scientific thought and conceptual approaches to understanding financial and legal relations in Russia from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century .. St. Petersburg, 2008. |
Economy and price. Studies and work on political economy and social knowledge, ed. Ed. PB Struve. Part 2. Criticism of some basic problems and provisions of political economy
Struve, Peter Bernardovich (1870-1944). Economy and price. St. Petersburg: VP Ryabushinsky, 1913-1916; Moscow. Ch. 2: Criticism of some basic problems and positions of political economy. 1916. |
The theory of Karl Marx and her criticism
Bem-Bawerk, Eigen (1851-1914).
The theory of Karl Marx and her criticism. St. Petersburg: Type. PP Sojkina, 1897. |
Socio-political program of the newspaper I.S.Aksakova "Rus" (1880-1886)
Socio-political program of the newspaper I.S.Aksakova "Rus" (1880-1886).2011.
Robert Owen and the foundations of consumer cooperation
Kilchevsky, Vladimir Agafonikovich (1873-1941).
Robert Owen and the foundations of consumer cooperation. Omsk: Publishing house. Union cooperative. the views of Western Siberia "Centrosibir", 1918. |
Rules and programs of the Trade School and the Courses of Commercial Knowledge of V. V. Kuzmin and I. M. Gromoglasov in Moscow
Moscow four-year men's trading school VV Kuzmin, IM Gromoglasov and IV Gusarov
Rules and programs of the Commercial School and the Courses of Commercial Knowledge of V. V. Kuzmin and I. M. Gromoglasov in Moscow. Moscow, 1901. |
Post-industrial area of domestic economic thought
Kochergin, Dmitry G..Post-industrial area of domestic economic thought.Tomsk, 2015.
Trip of the Governmental Commission to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929.
Trip of the Governmental Commission to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, 1929. St. Petersburg: Presidential b. Yeltsin, 2010. |