Economy and price. Studies and work on political economy and social knowledge, ed. Ed. PB Struve. Part 2. Criticism of some basi...

Struve, Peter Bernardovich (1870-1944).    
Economy and price: critical research on the theory and history of economic life: Part 1-2 / Peter Struve. - St. Petersburg ; Moscow: VP Ryabushinsky, 1913-1916. - 2 tons; 24 cm. - (Studies and works on political economy and social knowledge, edited by PB Struve, ...) .
1. Economic exercises - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 65.02 (2) 53
Part 2: Criticism of some of the main problems and provisions of political economy. Issue. 1, The problem of production. The problem of imputation. The so-called problem. distribution. Political economy and accounting. Price and income. - 1916. - [2], II, [4], 108 s .. - (Studies and works on political economy and social knowledge, edited by PB Struve, issue 4) .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Economic exercises - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 65.02 (2) 53
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Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher В. П. Рябушинский
Catalogue object