Социальное страхование. Социальное обеспечение. Социальная помощь

Социальное страхование. Социальное обеспечение. Социальная помощь

Материалы по теме

The village of Cheremushki (Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk).Information on payments to the families of those who died during the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after P. S. Neporozhny on August 17, 2009

The village of Cheremushki (Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk).Information on payments to the families of those who died during the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named after P. S. Neporozhny on August 17, 2009.2009.
