Право. Юридические науки
Отрасли права 13281
- Административное право
- Гражданско-процессуальное право (гражданский процесс)
- Гражданское и торговое право. Семейное право
- Земельное (аграрное) право. Горное право. Лесное право. Водное право
- Конституционное (государственное) право
- Кооперативное право
- Международное право
- Трудовое право и право социального обеспечения
- Уголовно-исполнительное право (пенитенциария)
- Уголовно-процессуальное право (уголовный процесс)
- Уголовное право
- Финансовое право
Материалы по теме
Theoretical aspects of the implementation of law in the light of the interaction of international and domestic law
Afonichkina, Nelly Vasilyevna
Theoretical aspects of the implementation of law in the light of the interaction of international and domestic law. Kazan, 2008. |
A theoretical model for building a system of family legislation of the Russian Federation and other member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States
Levushkin, Anatoly Nikolayevich. Theoretical model of building a system of family legislation of the Russian Federation and other member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Moscow, 2013. |
Theoretical and legal concepts of NG Aleksandrov
Sorokin, Boris Viktorovich. Theoretical and legal concepts of NG Aleksandrov. Volgograd, 2010. |
Theoretical and legal concepts Pigolkin
Shubenkova, Ksenia Vladimirovna (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Theoretical and legal concepts Pigolkin. Saratov, 2014. |
Theatrical production as an object of copyright
Rasshodnikov, Mikhail Yakovlevich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Theatrical performance as an object of copyright. Moscow, 2008. |
Customs Code of the Customs Union
Customs Union of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community. Customs Code of the Customs Union. Moscow: Prospect, 2011. |
Customs Law of Russia
Gorbukhov, Vitaly Anatolyevich. Customs Law of. [Saratov]: The scientific book, 2012. |
Customs Law
Customs law. Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012. |
Customs Law
Davydov, Ya.V. (teacher-methodologist). Customs law. Moscow: A-Prior, 2010. |
Konik, Nina Vladimirovna. Customs. [Saratov]: The Scientific Book, 2011. |