Танковые (бронетанковые) войска. Бронетанковая техника. Танковое вооружение
Материалы по теме
Sea trials of the KV-2 tank: photo
Ф. 31811. Ходовые испытания танка КВ-2 : фотография. |
Heavy tank IP and a table of its tactical and technical characteristics
F. 8752.The heavy tank IP and the table of its tactical and technical characteristics.
Tank industry in the Urals in the 1940s
The tank industry in the Urals in the 1940s.2013.
[T-34-76E tanks on Nevsky Prospekt.]
[T-34-76E tanks on Nevsky Prospekt.].
Tanks T-34-76E
Tanks T-34-76E.
[At the Summer Garden].
[At the Summer Garden].
KV-1 tanks collected during the blockade of Leningrad at the plant No. 371 are sent to the front from Uritsky Square (now Palace) in Leningrad.
KV-1 tank with landing
KV-1 tank with landing.