Танковые (бронетанковые) войска. Бронетанковая техника. Танковое вооружение

Танковые (бронетанковые) войска. Бронетанковая техника. Танковое вооружение

Материалы по теме

Order No. 676C/591C/060/0250 People's Commissar of the USSR Tank Industry, People's Commissar of Arms of the USSR, Head of the Main Bronanding Directorate of the Red Army, Head of the Main Artillery Directorate of the Red Army "On the test of the prototype T-34

F. 8752.Order No. 676C/591C/060/0250 People's Commissar of the USSR Tank Industry, People's Commissar for Arms of the USSR, Head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Red Army, Head of the Main Artillery Directorate of the Red Army "On testing the T-34 T-34 tank with a tower with a diameter of 1600 mm, andarmed with a gun D-5 ".
