Танковые (бронетанковые) войска. Бронетанковая техника. Танковое вооружение
Материалы по теме
In the Gulf of Finland.
In the Gulf of Finland.
Airphotos of tank battle in the northwest of Stalingrad, made from a German aircraft, with conventions in German
F. 3os.Aerial photographs of tank battle in the north-west of Stalingrad, made from a German aircraft, with conventions in German.
Automatic welding of the sides by welding heads of academician E.O. Paton at factory No. 183 named afterComintern of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry of the USSR (Nizhny Tagil)
F. 8752.Automatic welding of the sides by welding heads of academician E.O. Paton at factory No. 183 named afterThe Comintern of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry of the USSR (Nizhny Tagil).