Дидактика (теория и методика образования и обучения)
Материалы по теме
The formation of ethnocultural competence of high school students in the regional educational environment
The formation of ethnocultural competence of high school students in the regional educational environment.2019.
Project of the curriculum of Alexandrovsky lyceum and reviews of teachers, including A.F. Koni, about him
Koni Anatoly Fedorovich, lawyer, writer, member of the Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court, Member of the State Council.The draft curriculum of the Alexandrovsky lyceum and the reviews of teachers, including A. F. Koni, about him.
Cultural generation of Russian education: traditional and modernization aspects
Kovalenko, Lidia Vladimirovna.Cultural generation of Russian education: traditional and modernization aspects.Rostov-on-Don, 2018.
The influence of the social environment on the educational successes and plans of schoolchildren (for the example of schools in St. Petersburg and the Moscow Region)
Tenisheva, Ksenia Alekseevna.The influence of the social environment on the educational successes and plans of schoolchildren (on the example of schools in St. Petersburg and the Moscow Region).St. Petersburg, 2017.