Методика преподавания языков
Материалы по теме
Methodical Russian anthology.Part 1. For the study of style and prose theory
Polivanov.Lev Ivanovich.1838-1899.Methodical Russian anthology.Moscow: printing house M.N. Lavrov and K, 1883.Part 1: To study the style and theory of prose.
Lingvometodicheskie and pragmalingvisticheskie aspects of the description of the evasive answers in Russian speech communication
Tolstova, Natalia Nikolaevna (Ph.d.). Lingvometodicheskie and pragmalingvisticheskie aspects of the description of the evasive answers in Russian speech communication. Moscow, 2016. |
How to keep an entry about read books
Vladislavlev, Ignatius Vladislavovich (1880-1962).How to keep an entry about the books read.Petrograd: cooperative book publishing partnership "Book", [1918];Moscow;Kyiv.
The history of the study of the Russian language in universities of the north-east of China (1949-2018)
The history of the study of the Russian language in universities of northeast of China (1949-2018).2022.
Historical and pedagogical foundations of teaching foreign languages in domestic professional education of the late 19th-early 20th centuries (for example, the Nizhny Novgorod province)
Historical and pedagogical foundations of teaching foreign languages in domestic vocational education of the late 19th-early XX centuries (for example, the Nizhny Novgorod province).2013.
Notes on the teaching of the native language and literature
Fedorov, Vasily Petrovich. Notes on the teaching of the native language and literature. Mariupol: Tipo-lit. A.A. Frantova, 1893. |
The genesis of the French language book in Russian education of the XVIII - first half of the XIX centuries
The genesis of the educational book in the French language in Russian education of the XVIII - first half of the XIX centuries.2024.
A. Alferov. Essays from the life of the language
Porzhezinsky, Victor Karlovich (1870-1929). A. Alferov. Essays from the life of language. B.M.: B. and., [1899]. |