Книжное дело. Книговедение
Материалы по теме
The Charter of the Yakut publishing and trading and student cooperative "Leninets" under the Obkom of the RCP (B) and the RKSM
"Leninets," a publishing and trading and student cooperative (Yakutsk). The Charter of the Yakutsk publishing and trading and student cooperative "Leninets" under the Obkom RCP (b) and the RKSM. Yakutsk: Typography Yaksoyuza "Holbos", [1920?]. |
Charter on censorship
Russia. Laws and regulations Charter of censorship. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Dep. b. Avenue, 1829. |
The interpretation in the popular science texts of the first half of the 18th century (on the example of the magazine "Notes to the St. Petersburg Vedomosti" )
There is no Boer, there is no interpretation in the popular science texts of the first half of the 18th century (on the example of the Note to St. Petersburg Vedomosti).2017.
There is no Bo.
There is no BO Bo.2017.
Solomon Abramovich Raiser (on the occasion of his 80th birthday)
Solomon Abramovich Raiser (on the occasion of his 80th birthday). Leningrad: Rotaprint type. № 2 "Lenuprizdata", 1985. |
On proposals to publish a special newspaper for the Muslim population of Russia in Arabic and Tatar
Russia. Caucasian Committee. On proposals for the publication of a special newspaper for the Muslim population of Russia in Arabic and Tatar. 1864. |
Letters from AS Suvorin to VV Rozanov
Suvorin, Alexey Sergeevich (1834-1912).
Letters from AS Suvorin to VV Rozanov. St. Petersburg: Type. by AS Suvorin "New time", 1913. |
Description of the Slavic manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal Library.Departure2. Scriptures of holy fathers
Gorsky.Alexander Vasilyevich.1812-1875.Description of the Slavic manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal Library.Moscow: in a synodal printing house, 1855-1869.Departure2: Scriptures of the Holy Fts.1859.
Description of the Slavic manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal Library.Departure2. Scriptures of holy fathers
Gorsky.Alexander Vasilyevich.1812-1875.Description of the Slavic manuscripts of the Moscow Synodal Library.Moscow: in a synodal printing house, 1855-1869.Departure2: Scriptures of the Holy Fts.1862.
Description of the Slavonic-Russian manuscripts of the Stavropegial Resurrection Book Depository, New Jerusalem named monastery, and notes on the old printed Church Slavonic books of the same book depository
Leonid (Kavelin, Lev Alexandrovich, 1822-1891). Description of the Slavonic-Russian manuscripts of the Stavropegial Resurrection book depository, New Jerusalem named monastery, and notes on the old printed Church Slavonic books of the same book depository. Cources Moscow: Imp. History and antiquities are growing. at Moscow. un-te, 1871. |