Общее книговедение
Материалы по теме
Censorship trifles.1. Prince Bismarck and the persecution of "Slavs"
Baudouin de-Kurtene.I. Censorship trifles.Krakow: [B.and.], 1898.1: Prince Bismarck and the persecution of the "Slavs".1898.
Censorship in the system of Russian-German book relations of the XIX-early XX century.There is no BO
Censorship in the system of Russian-German book relations of the XIX-early XX century.There is no BO.2017.
Functioning of "written" in the Russian village of the XIX - XX centuries: books and ways of their imagination
Melnikova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna. The functioning of the "written" in the Russian village of the XIX - XX centuries: books and ways of their imagination. St. Petersburg, 2006. |
The old printed cathedral of 1647 as a literary whole
The old printed cathedral of 1647 as a literary whole.2020.
Formation and development of book publishing in the Central Black Earth (the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the twentieth century.)
Kononov, Tatiana L..Formation and development of book publishing in the Central Black Earth (the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the twentieth century.).Kursk: [b.and.] 2015.
The formation and development of the institution of censorship in the Far East of Russia in 1901-1917
The formation and development of the institution of censorship in the Far East of Russia in 1901-1917 there is no BO.2018.
Collections of the Presidential Library.Series "Electronic Archive".Vol.7. Book Culture of Moscow Rus XV-XVII centuries.
Presidential library.(St. Petersburg).Collections of the Presidential Library.St. Petersburg: FGBU "Presidential Library", 2011-.Vol.7: Book Culture of Moscow Rus XV-XVII BB.2021.
Russian -speaking book publishing in the interethnic interaction of Central Asia states
Ismailov, Agamekhti Mamed Ogli (Dr. East Sciences).Russian -speaking book publishing in the interethnic interaction of Central Asia states.Kazan, 2014.
Russian book of the civil press of the XVIII century (1711-1800) in the archives, libraries, museums of Tambov region
Russian book of the civil seal of the XVIII century (1711-1800) in the archives, libraries, museums of the Tambov region. Tambov: TOWNB, 2011. |