Общее книговедение
Материалы по теме
Book in cultural practices: the genesis, semiotics, transformation
Sharabarin, Sergei Mikhailovich.Book in cultural practices: the genesis, semiotics, transformation.Belgorod, 2018.
Catalog of the collection of Slavonic-Russian manuscripts PD Bogdanov
The doublet fund of the National Security Service. Catalog of the collection of Slavonic-Russian manuscripts PD Bogdanov. St. Petersburg: Printing house of V.S. Balashev, 1891. |
To the question of the alphabet for Lithuanian-Zhmudn books
To the question of the alphabet for Lithuanian-Zhmudn books.[B.m.]: Type.V.S.Balashev, [1888].
History, technique, art of book printing
Shchelkunov, Mikhail Ilyich (1884-1938). History, technique, art of printing. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1926. |
The history of private collections of French book in Russia XVIII - XIX centuries and their role in the development of Russian-French cultural ties
Marihbeyn, Lyubov.The history of private collections of French book in Russia XVIII - XIX centuries and their roles in the development of Russian-French cultural ties.Moscow, 2008.
Historical sketch of the Russian printing business
Bozheryanov, Ivan Nikolayevich (writer, 1852-1919). A historical sketch of the Russian printing business. St. Petersburg: Publication of the Public Benefit Partnership, 1895. |
Ivan Fedorov Russian printer
Petrushevich, Antony Stepanovich (1821-1913). Ivan Fedorov Russian printer. Lvov: From the printing house of the Stavropigiysky Institute, 1883. |
Children's book of Russian abroad in Europe, 1920-1956.
Children's book of Russian abroad in Europe, 1920-1956.2019.
The case of intercourse with Count Protasov, of the edifying books for popular reading published from the Holy Synod
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education. The case of intercourse with Count Protasov, about the edifying books for people's reading published from the Holy Synod. |
The case against the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod about the difficulty encountered in printing a new edition of the book "Reading from the Four Evangelists and Acts of the Apostles" in Slavonic and Russian languages and about the assumption of tak
Department of Public Education of the Ministry of Education. The case against the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod about the difficulty encountered in printing a new edition of the book "Reading from the Four Evangelists and the Acts of the Apostles" in Slavonic and Russian languages and about the assumption that it should be taken out of use. |