Russian book of the civil press of the XVIII century (1711-1800) in the archives, libraries, museums of Tambov region

Russian Civil Book of the XVIII century (1711-1800) in the archives, libraries, museums of the Tambov Region: catalog / Department of Culture and Archives of the Tambov Region, Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library. A. S. Pushkin; [Compiled by: O. V. Gorelkina, T. Yu. Dmitrieva; scientific editor: I. Yu. Fomenko, candidate of philological sciences]. - Tambov: TOWNB, 2011. - 170, [1] pp., [16] f. yl., fax., color. ill., fax. ; 30 cm. -
On the title page: To the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Tambov region.
Bibliography in the footnotes. - Pointers: p. 134-170. - 200 copies. - ISBN 978-5-88934-530-5 (per second) .
I. Gorelkina, Olga Vladimirovna. II. Dmitrieva, T. Yu. III. Fomenko, Irina Yurievna. IV. Tambov Regional Scientific Universal Library. A. S. Pushkin. 1. The people (the collection). 2. The book - History - Russia - 18th c. - Catalogs.
ББК 76.10я13
Source of electronic copy: Tambov OUNB
The storage of the original: Tambov OUNB
ISBN 978-5-88934-530-5
Publisher ТОУНБ
Catalogue object