История библиотечного дела

История библиотечного дела

Материалы по теме

Paleographic snapshots of fonts, from the 15th century to the XVIII (number 24), belonging to a thorough description of the old-line books of the Slavic and Russian, stored in the library of Graphy Fyodor Andreevich Tolstova

Paleographic snapshots of fonts, from the 15th century to the XVIII (number 24), belonging to the thorough description of the old-line books of the Slavic and Russian, stored in the library of Graph Fyodor Andreevich Tolstov.Moscow, 1829.

Description of the Slavonic-Russian manuscripts of the Stavropegial Resurrection Book Depository, New Jerusalem named monastery, and notes on the old printed Church Slavonic books of the same book depository

  Leonid (Kavelin, Lev Alexandrovich, 1822-1891).     Description of the Slavonic-Russian manuscripts of the Stavropegial Resurrection book depository, New Jerusalem named monastery, and notes on the old printed Church Slavonic books of the same book depository. Cources Moscow: Imp. History and antiquities are growing. at Moscow. un-te, 1871.
