Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение
Материалы по теме
Digital collection: definition, functions, main types of collections
Zhabko, Elena Dmitrievna (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences). Digital collection: definition, functions, main types of collections. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018. |
Creating a concept collection. Selection of documents
Maskhulia, Tatyana Leonardovna. Creating a concept collection. Selection of documents. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018. |
Master plan of research work on library science, bibliography and bibliography of libraries and institutions of various departments of Leningrad for 1978
The master plan of research work on library science, bibliography and bibliography of libraries and institutions of various departments of Leningrad in 1978. Leningrad: Rotaprint LGIK, 1978. |
Collections of the presidential library.Series "Electronic Library".Ext.14 (2).Historical and cultural heritage in the digital era
Presidential Library.(Saint Petersburg).Collections of the presidential library.St. Petersburg: FSBI "Presidential Library", 2011-.Ext.14 (2): Historical and cultural heritage in the digital era.2024.
Presidential Library fund acquisition profile
Profile of the Presidential Library fund acquisition. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2017. |
The Presidential Library and the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences presented a project on the digitization of the library of the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery
The Presidential Library and the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences presented a project on the digitization of the library of the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2017. |
Plan of research and scientific-methodological work of the faculty of cultural and educational work for 1990
Leningrad Institute of Culture. N. K. Krupskaya. Faculty of cultural and educational work. Plan for research and scientific and methodological work of the faculty of cultural and educational work for 1990. Leningrad: Rotaprint LGIK, 1990. |
Plan of research and scientific-methodological work of the faculty of cultural and educational work for 1987
Leningrad Institute of Culture. N. K. Krupskaya. Faculty of cultural and educational work. Plan for research and scientific and methodological work of the faculty of cultural and educational work for 1987. Leningrad: Rotaprint LGIK, 1986. |
On approval of the Regulation on the National Fund of Domestic Prints
Russian Federation. Government. On the approval of the Regulations on the National Fund of Domestic Prints. Moscow, 2017. |