Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение. Библиография. Библиографоведение

Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение. Библиография. Библиографоведение

Материалы по теме

Yakov Leonidovich Schryberg: Bio-Bibliographic Index / Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia;Compiled by V. S. Antonov [et al.] Author of the biographical article: Yu.

Yakov Leonidovich Schryberg: Bio-Bibliographic Index / Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia;Compiled by V. S. Antonov [et al.] The author of the biographical article: Yu. N. Stolyarov, responsible editor: Yu. V. Sokolova.2022.

Digital transformation of libraries and educational institutions: the main components and challenges: plenary report of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the twenty -seventh international conference and exhibition "Libcom - 2023" (Moscow, November 19-24, 2023) / Ya. L. Schraiber

Digital transformation of libraries and educational institutions: the main components and challenges: plenary report of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the twenty -seventh international conference and exhibition "Libcom - 2023" (Moscow, November 19-24, 2023) / Ya. L. Schraberg.2023.
