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В Ильинской сельской библиотеке состоялся вечер // Летопись населенных пунктов Белгородской области. 22 февраля
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. An evening took place in the Ilinskaya rural library. |
In the Varvarovsky library the informin game "This mysterious and alluring world of nature" was held // Annals of the settlements of the Belgorod region. February 20th
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. In the Varvarov library, the informin game "This mysterious and attracting world of nature" was held. |
The reporting meeting took place in the library // Annals of the settlements of the Belgorod region. December 25
Chronicle of settlements of the Belgorod region. The reporting meeting was held in the library. |