Библиотечное дело. Библиотековедение
Материалы по теме
On amendments to the administrative regulations of the implementation by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of the state function to implement state control over the state of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and the activities are non -state
On amendments to the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of the state function to implement state control over the state of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and the activities of non -state museums in the Russian Federation, compliance with a special regime of storage and use of the National Library Fund, and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in relation to culturalvalues moved to the Union of SSR as a result of World War II and located in the Russian Federation, as well as for the safety of displaced cultural values and their accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2017 No. 1225.
Methods of selection of documents to the Presidential Library
Presidential Library (St. Petersburg). Methods of selection of documents to the Presidential Library. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016. |
Leninism and library work
Trotsky Lev Davidovich (1879-1940).Leninism and library work.Moscow: Red Virgin Soil, 1924.
By the 90th anniversary of the beginning of the "library campaign"
Parygin, Daria Vladimirovna.By the 90th anniversary of the beginning of the "library campaign".[St. Petersburg]: Presidential Library, 2019.
The history of librarianship in the 1950s-1990s. (on the example of Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk region)
Arzunyan, Tatiana Gagikovna. The history of librarianship in the 1950s-1990s. (on the example of the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Irkutsk, 2011. |
Information resources of foreign archives in the Garf micrographs (1956-2000s): Archival research
Ulyanitsky, Kirill Borisovich.Information resources of foreign archives in microphotocopies GARF (1956-2000s): Archival research.Moscow, 2011.
Documents from private collections in the Presidential Library
Zavyalova, Lyubov Vladimirovna (Ph.D. in History; 1975). Documents from private collections in the Presidential Library. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019. |
Inclusion and registration of electronic documents
Tarasova, Maria Anatolyevna. Inclusion in the fund and registration of electronic documents. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018. |
Bibliographer, educator and social activist b. f. Sugars (1910-1986) (reconstruction of scientific biography)
Bakhtina, Elena Vladimirovna. Bibliographer, educator and social activist b. f. Sugars (1910-1986) (reconstruction of scientific biography). St. Petersburg, 2014. |