Метафизика. Гносеология.
Материалы по теме
Philosophical and methodological foundations of post-jinging intellectual robotics
The philosophical and methodological foundations of the post-jinging intellectual robotics.2021.
Philosophy and University
Blockages, Anna Igorevna.Philosophy and University.Moscow, 2012.
Technonea in the information society: Social and philosophical analysis
Bakanova, Ekaterina Alekseevna.Technone in the information society: Social and philosophical analysis.Tomsk, 2020.
Technology as anthropological divergence and convergence in the evolutionary context
Technique as an anthropological divergence and convergence in the evolutionary context.2019.
The terminological vocabulary of information law in the modern Russian language does not
The terminological vocabulary of information law in modern Russian is not BO.2016.
Development of analytical forms and analytical constructions in the grammatical structure of the modern Russian language
The development of analytical forms and analytical constructions in the grammatical structure of the modern Russian language.2021.
The problem of argumentation and the movement of scientific knowledge
The problem of argumentation and the movement of scientific knowledge.2010.
Scientific knowledge: Lecture at the University Course "Philosophy"
Scientific knowledge: Lecture on the university course "Philosophy".2009.
Integration of natural-scientific and humanitarian knowledge in historical material science
Integration of natural-scientific and humanitarian knowledge in historical material science.2021.