Гносеология (теория познания)
Материалы по теме
The evolution of language research and consciousness in analytical philosophy
Romanov, Pavel Evgenievich.The evolution of language research and consciousness in analytical philosophy.Murmansk, 2011.
The person of the information society in the conditions of "imposed rationality" does not
The person of the information society in the conditions of "imposed rationality" is not Bo.2017.
Philosophical and methodological problems of advanced education in the digital era
Philosophical and methodological problems of advanced education in the digital era.2021.
Philosophical meanings of the policy field
Nightingale, Irina Viktorovna. Philosophical meanings of the field of politics. Izhevsk, 2012. |
Meaning of the concept of "love of children" in the domestic pedagogy of the twentieth century
Meanings of the concept of "love of children" in the domestic pedagogy of the twentieth century. 2011. |
The space of social memory
The space of social memory.2008.
Legal reality: ontological and aggregate analysis
Legal reality: ontological and aggregate analysis.2007.
Cognition of the catholic Eastern enlightenment according to the wisdom of Slavophilism
Taube, Mikhail Ferdinandovich (1855-). Cognition of the conciliar Eastern enlightenment according to the wisdom of Slavophilism. Petrograd: type. M.I. Akinfiyeva, 1912. |
20 p.
Narrative structure of the Russian philosophical text: linguistics of narrative
Geychenko, Sergey Alekseevich (candidate of philological sciences). The narrative structure of the Russian philosophical text: the linguistics of the narrative. Moscow, 2013. |