Peter Simon Pallas (1741–1811)

The collection is dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the birth of Peter Simon Pallas the German and Russian scientist, a founder of zoology in Russia, a naturalist and a geographer, one of the leaders of the expedition activities of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, who made a special contribution into a study of Siberia and the Ural, the Volga region and the Crimea, had a significant impact on the development of Russian and the world science.
The collection includes digital copies of researches (research papers and monographs). The texts of the historian’s works in Russian, German, Latin and French, as well as biographical information about him in the Russian and Bashkir languages are presented. At present, the collection consists of 60 units. The materials from the funds of the Astrakhan Regional Scientific Library named after N. K. Krupskaya, the National Library of Bashkortostan Republic named after Ahmed-Zaki Validi, the National Library of the Republic of Buryatia, the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library and the Tver Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. M. Gorky were used for preparing this collection.
- About Peter Simon Pallas
Petr Simon Pallas // Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. T. 41
Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. Odessa: "Commercial Printing House" BI Sapozhnikova, 1916.
Zelenetsky, N.M. Petr Simon Pallas.Pallas as a zoologist // Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. T. 41
Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. Odessa: "Commercial Printing House" BI Sapozhnikova, 1916.
Lignau, Nikolay Georgievich (1873-1940). Pallas as a zoologist.In memory of Peter Simon Pallas. 1811-8.IX.1911 // Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. T. 41
Notes of the Novorossiysk Society of Naturalists. Odessa: "Commercial Printing House" BI Sapozhnikova, 1916.
Lytkiewicz, E.Pamyati Peter Simon Pallas. 1811-8.IX.1911.Peter Simon Pallas, his life, scholarly works and travels
Marakuev, Vladimir Nikolaevich (-1921). Peter Simon Pallas, his life, scholarly labors and travels. Moscow: Typography of A. A. Torletsky and Co., 1877.The grave of Pallas // Yadkar. 2000, No. 3
Sidorov, Victor Vladimirovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1932-). Tomb of Pallas.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахBliss to see nature! (Continuation, see the beginning of the "Campfire" No. 8, 2011) // Bonfire. 2011, No. 9
Tsalolikhin, S.Ya. Bliss to see nature! (For a continuation, see "Campfire" No. 8, 2011).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn the ground and in the sky / / Bonfire. 2011, No. 8
Tsalolikhin, S. Ya. On the Earth and in Heaven.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах- Pallas in the Urals
Yer Eshend һәm umtartasylyta bashtorttar еe etejse yuҡ // Bashortortan. 2009, No. 224 (25534) 20 November
Bashortortan. Film Akjulov, Ildar. Yer Eshend һә mmartasyllyta bashtorttar еa eteүse u.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахComplex study of the territory of Bashkortostan by the academic expedition of PS Pallas (1769-1774) // History of science and technology. 2012, No. 4, special issue number 1
History of science and technology.
Bukanova, RG The complex study of the territory of Bashkortostan by the academic expedition of PS Pallas (1769-1774).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPallas was right. // Origins. 2005, No. 6 (410) on 9 February
Origins. Film Kutlugallamov, Marcel Aksanovich (1941-). Pallas was right.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn various places of the Russian state // Ufa. 2006, No. 4
Ufa. Film Maslova, Anna. On various places of the Russian state.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPS Pallas of Uralda // Zaman - Bashkortostan. 1997, April 11-17
Zaman - Bashkortostan. Film Мәһәҙиев, Дәyләт. PS Pallas of Uralda.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPeter Simon Pallas - Uralda // Vatandash. 1999, No. 8
Vatandash. Film Мәһәҙиев, Дәyләт. Peter Simon Pallas - Uralda.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPallas in the Urals // Vatandash. 2002, No. 5
Portal, Roger-Antonin-Robert (1906-1994). Pallas in the Urals.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPallas in the Urals // Yadkar. 2000, No. 3
Portal, Roger-Antonin-Robert (1906-1994). Pallas in the Urals.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахAcademician Peter Simon Pallas // Yoshlek. 1990, August 14
Sidorov, A.Academician Peter Simon Pallas.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахResearcher of the Bashkir Territory // Bashkortostan Ukytyusykhy. 1991, No. 9
Bashkortostan uktysuyhy.
Sidorov, Victor Vladimirovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1932-). Researcher of the Bashkir Territory.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPallas Peter Simon - geographer, syyhhtse // Bashkortostan. 1996, No. 155 (22167) on August 15
Sidorov, Victor Vladimirovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1932-). Pallas Peter Simon is a geographer, syyhhtse.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахAcademic expedition P.-S. Pallas // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. 1997 T. 2, No. 2
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Sidorov, Victor Vladimirovich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, 1932-). Academic expedition P.-S. Pallas.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахGeographical studies of P. S. Pallas of the modern territory of Bashkortostan // Bashkortostan uktyousykhy. 2006, No. 2
Bashkortostan uktysuyhy. Film Timerbaev, Zemfira. Geographical researches of PS Pallas of the modern territory of Bashkortostan.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe name of the mountain // Belsky open spaces. 2012, No. 8
The Belsky open spaces. Film Churaeva, Svetlana. The name of the mountain.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Паллас на Алтае
Diary of a traveler: the stay of Peter Simon Pallas in the Altai
Traveler's diary: the stay of Peter Simon Pallas in the Altai. [Barnaul]: ACUNB, 2017. - Pallas in Trans-Baikal
"They live, prosper under the meek hand of the king ..." // Mir Baikal. 2011, no. 2 (30)
The world of Baikal.
Buraeva, Olga Vladimirovna (doctor of medical sciences). "They live, prosper under the mild hand of the king ...".Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахRussian and foreign travelers of the XVII, XVIII and the first half of the XIX centuries about the Buryat-Mongols
Girchenko, Vladimir Petrovich (1878-1953). Russian and foreign travelers XVII, XVIII and the first half of XIX centuries about the Buryat-Mongols. Ulan-Ude: State Buryat-Mongolian publishing house, 1939.Academicians of Pallas and Georgi //. Pathfinders of Lake Baikal
Golenkova, Alexandra Ivanovna. Academicians Pallas and Georgi.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахBuryatia through the eyes of Pallas // Buryatia. 2011, No. 214 (5076) (November 18)
Golubev, Evgeniy Alexandrovich. Buryatia through the eyes of Pallas.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPS Pallas as a researcher of the toponymy of the Baikal region // Bulletin of the Buryat State University. 2014, 10 (2)
Bulletin of Buryat State University.
Dambuev, Igor Alexandrovich. PS Pallas as a researcher of the toponymy of the Baikal region.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахStudies of the German naturalist PS Pallas of the nature of Siberia. The Germans and Siberia: history. Modernity
Dorzhieva, VD Studies of the German naturalist PS Pallas of the nature of Siberia.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахSeptember 22, 1741 275 years since the birth of the traveler, naturalist Peter Simon Pallas // Buryatia. ... for 2016
Buryatia. Film Zhargalov, Rosa Dasheevna. September 22, 1741 275 years since the birth of the traveler, naturalist Peter Simon Pallas.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe contribution of German scientists to the history of Baikal Siberia. Materials of the interregional scientific conference "The Germans in Transbaikalia: History, Culture, Modernity", September 12-14, 2007, Ulan-Ude
Narkhinova, Elvira Prokopievna (candidate of philological sciences). The contribution of German scientists to the history of Baikal Siberia.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPallas (Peter Simon) // History and culture of the family Transbaikalia. Part 1
History and culture of the family Transbaikalia. Ulan-Ude, 2005.
Pallas (Peter Simon).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахPallas and Georgi on Baikal and in Transbaikalia. Pearl of Eastern Siberia
Serova, Olga Vasilyevna. Pallas and Georgi on Baikal and in Transbaikalia.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах260 years since the birth of the traveler, naturalist PS Pallas // Significant and memorable dates for Buryatia .... ... for 2001
Significant and memorable dates for Buryatia ...
Kharitonov, VA (local historian). 260 years since the birth of the traveler, naturalist PS Pallas.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Pallas in the central and southern Russia
Information about some archaeological monuments of the Astrakhan region in the sources of the XVII-XVIII centuries. //. Crossroads of history. Actual problems of historical science
Vasiliev, D.V. Information about some archaeological monuments of the Astrakhan region in the sources of the XVII-XVIII centuries.The journey of PS Pallas to the Tver province // Native literature in the contemporary cultural and educational space. 2011, no. 2 (8)
Native literature in the modern cultural and educational space.
Vasilyeva, S.A.P.P. Pasall's journey through Tver province.The case of determination under the Kalmyk uluses, for collecting information on the history of the Kalmyk people, the translator of the expedition of Professor Pallas
Astrakhan Province Chancellery of Astrakhan.
The case of determination under the Kalmyk uluses, for collecting information on the history of the Kalmyk people, the translator of the expedition of Professor Pallas.Voyages chez les peuples Kalmouks et les Tartares
Voyages chez les peuples Kalmouks et les Tartares. Berne: chez la Société Typographique, 1792.
- Works of Peter Simon Pallas
- In Russian
A brief physical and topographical description of the Taurida region, compiled in French by Peter Pallas, statistic adviser, the Academy of Sciences member, the Order of St. Vladimir by the Cavalier, and translated by Ivan Rigski
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). A brief physical and topographical description of the Taurian region, compiled in French by Peter Pallas, statistic adviser, the Academy of Sciences member, the Order of St. Vladimir by the Cavalier, and translated by Ivan of Riga.A Journey Through Various Provinces of the Russian State // AN Radishchev: Studies and Comments
AN Radishchev: research and commentary.
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). Travel to various provinces of the Russian state.PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to v
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to various provinces of the Russian Empire.
Part 1: [In the years 1768 and 1769].PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to v
Pallas, Peter Simon (1741-1811). PS Pallas, MD, professor of natural history and member of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences, and the St. Petersburg Voluntary Economic Society, as well as the Roman Imperial Academy of Naturalists and the Royal Aglin Scholarly Assembly, Travel to various provinces of the Russian Empire.
Ch. 2, the book. 2: 1770 year. - In German
Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in die südlichen Statthalterschaften des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1793 und 1794. Bd. 1
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in die südlichen Statthalterschaften des Russischen Reichs in den Jahren 1793 und 1794.
Bd. 1.Complex study of the territory of Bashkortostan by the academic expedition of PS Pallas (1769-1774) // History of science and technology. 2012, No. 4, special issue number 1
History of science and technology.
Bukanova, RG The complex study of the territory of Bashkortostan by the academic expedition of PS Pallas (1769-1774).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахBetrachtungen über die Beschaffenheit der Gebürge und Veränderungen der Erdkugel, besonders in Beziehung auf das Russische Reich
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Betrachtungen über die Beschaffenheit der Gebürge und Veränderungen der Erdkugel, besonders in Beziehung auf das Russische Reich.Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die Mongolischen Völkerschaften durch P. S. Pallas D. A. D. Professor der Naturhist. und ordentl. Mitgl. der Rußisch-Kayserl. Akademie d. W., der Römisch-Kayserl. und Königl. Schwedischen Akad. wie auch der Engl. S
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die Mongolischen Völkerschaften durch P. S. Pallas D. A. D. Professor der Naturhist. und ordentl. Mitgl. der Rußisch-Kayserl. Akademie d. W., der Römisch-Kayserl. und Königl. Schwedischen Akad. wie auch der Engl. Societät, der Petersburg. freyen ökonom. u. Berlin. naturforschenden Gesellschaften.
Pallas, Peter Simon. Th. 1.Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die Mongolischen Völkerschaften durch P. S. Pallas D. A. D. Professor der Naturhist. und ordentl. Mitgl. der Rußisch-Kayserl. Akademie d. W., der Römisch-Kayserl. und Königl. Schwedischen Akad. wie auch der Engl. S
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die Mongolischen Völkerschaften durch P. S. Pallas D. A. D. Professor der Naturhist. und ordentl. Mitgl. der Rußisch-Kayserl. Akademie d. W., der Römisch-Kayserl. und Königl. Schwedischen Akad. wie auch der Engl. Societät, der Petersburg. freyen ökonom. u. Berlin. naturforschenden Gesellschaften.
Th. 2.Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie. Bd. 2
Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie.
Bd. 2.Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie. Bd. 4
Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie.
Bd. 4.Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie. Bd. 5
Neue nordische Beyträge zur physikalischen und geographischen Erd- und Völkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte und Oekonomie.
Bd. 5. - In Latin
Animalia monocardia seu frigidi sanguinis Imperii Rosso-Asiatici
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Animalia monocardia seu frigidi sanguinis Imperii Rosso-Asiatici.Flora Rossica seu stirpium Imperii Rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones. T. 1, ps. 1
Pallas. Peter Simon. naturalist. 1741-1811. Flora Rossica seu stirpium Imperii Rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones.
T. 1, ps. 1.Flora Rossica seu stirpium Imperii Rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones. T. 1, ps. 2
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Flora Rossica seu stirpium Imperii Rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones.
T. 1, ps. 2. - In French
Voyages de m. P. S. Pallas. T. 1
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Voyages de m. P. S. Pallas.
T. 1.Voyages de m. P. S. Pallas. T. 3
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Voyages de m. P. S. Pallas.
T. 3.Voyages de m. P. S. Pallas. T. 5
Pallas, Peter Simon (naturalist, 1741-1811). Voyages de m. P. S. Pallas.
T. 5.
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Reflection of dialect features in the old-written monuments of the Chuvash language of the 18th century
Savelyev, Alexander Vladislavovich. Reflection of dialect features in the old-written monuments of the Chuvash language of the XVIII century. Moscow, 2014.