"They live, prosper under the meek hand of the king ..." // Mir Baikal. 2011, no. 2 (30)

Buraeva, Olga Vladimirovna (doctor of medical sciences).    
"They live, prosper under the meek hand of the king ..." / Olga Buraeva, Doctor of Science, IMBT SB RAS. - (350 years of Buryatia joining the Russian state). -
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// World of Baikal: popular science magazine. - 2011, no. 2 (30). - 2011. - P. 7-11 .
1. Pallas, Peter Simon (1741 - 1811). 2. Pallas, Peter Simon. Expedition (1768-1774). 3. Russia in the faces (collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Republic of Buryatia (collection). 6. Peter Simon Pallas (collection). 7. Natural-scientific expeditions - Russia - 18 - 19 centuries .. 8. Buryatia - Historical and ethnographic research.
ББК 63.3 (253.57) 5
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