Pyotr Chaadayev (1794–1856)
As a result of the publication of Pyotr Chaadayev’s first Philosophical Letter in Teleskop (Telescope) magazine in 1836, the magazine was closed, its editor was sent into exile and the author was declared insane. The work contained harsh criticism of Russia in terms of the supremacy of the Catholic West, which provoked strong public reaction and marked the beginning of the division of the Russian thought into Westernism and Slavophilism.
The collection, timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Russian philosopher and publicist, features his works, correspondence, biographical materials and studies dedicated to him.
- Life and work
- General section
Herald of Europe. G. 30 1895, vol. 5, [kn. 9/10, September / October]
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 30 1895, vol. 5, [kn. 9/10, September / October]. 1895.New materials about P. Ya. Chaadayev
Kirpichnikov, Alexander Ivanovich (1845-1903). New materials about P. Ya. Chaadaev. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1896.Russian antiquity. 1900. T. 104. [Book. 10-12]. October December
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and., 1900.
1900. T. 104. [Book. 10-12]. October December. 1900.Содерж.: Кн. 12: Петр Яковлевич Чаадаев: (Материалы для его биографии). С. 583-588 [сканы 627-632].
Three Westerners of the Forties
Bogucharsky, Vasily Yakovlevich (1861-1915). Three Westerners of the forties.
St. Petersburg: N. O. Popova, 1901.Essays on the history of the new Russian literature. T. 2. (The Pushkin period)
Kirpichnikov, Alexander Ivanovich (1845-1903). Essays on the history of the new Russian literature. T. 2: (The Pushkin period). Books for Study. Books for Study, 1903.Содерж.: Чаадаев П. Я.; Новые материалы о П. Я. Чаадаеве С. 122-147 [сканы 126-151].
P. Ya. Chaadayev
Gershenzon, Mikhail Osipovich (1869-1925). P. Ya. Chaadayev.
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1908.Russian antiquity. G. 39 1908, T. 133, book. 1-3, January-March
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and., G. 39 1908, V. 133, book. 1-3, January-March: G. 39 1908, T. 133, book. 1-3, January-March. 1908.Содерж.: Стасов В. В. Петр Яковлевич Чаадаев: (биографический очерк). С. 33-54 [сканы 41-62].
- Memoirs of Pyotr Chaadayev
Herald of Europe. G. 6 1871, vol. 4, [bk. 7, July]
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 6 1871, vol. 4, [bk. 7, July]: G. 6 1871, vol. 4, [kn. 7, July]. 1871.Содерж.: Жихарев М. И. Петр Яковлевич Чаадаев: из воспоминаний современника: статья вторая. С 172-208 [сканы 178-214].
Herald of Europe. G. 6 1871, [v. 5], book. 9, September
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 6 1871, [t. 5], book. 9, September. 1871.Содерж.: Жихарев М. И. Петр Яковлевич Чаадаев: из воспоминаний современника: статья вторая. С 9-54 [сканы 15-60].
Baron A.I. Delvig "My Memories. 1813-1876"
Golovnin Alexander Vasilyevich (1821-1886), Minister of Public Education, member of the State Council.
Baron A.I. Delvig "My Memories. 1813-1876".Herald of Europe. G. 51 1916, [book. 2], February
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 51 1916, [bk. 2], February. Petrograd: printing house t-va "Public benefit", 1916.Содерж.: Жихарев С. П. Мелочи о П. Я. Чаадаеве. С 396-401 [сканы 398-403].
- Works
- General section
Philosophical Letters
Chaadaev, Peter Yakovlevich (1794-1856). Philosophical letters. The Kazan: type. DM Gran, 1906. - Correspondence
Herald of Europe. G. 9 1874, v. 4, book. 7, July
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 9 1874, v. 4, book. 7, July. 1874.Содерж.: Россель Ю. А. Неизданные рукописи П. Я. Чаадаева (переписка). С. 83-95 [сканы 89-101].
Herald of Europe. G. 6 1871, [v. 6], book. 11, November
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 6 1871, [t. 6], book. 11, November. 1871.Содерж.: Неизданные рукописи П. Я. Чаадаева : I. Письма: I-XV. С. 324-344 [сканы 332-352].
Letters from Prince P. A. Vyazemsky
Vyazemsky, Pyotr Andreevich (1792-1878). Letters from Prince P. A. Vyazemsky.
St. Petersburg: type. M. Stasyulevich, 1897.Letters from P. Ya. Chaadayev from abroad to his brother, (1823-1826)
Chaadaev, Peter Yakovlevich (1794-1856). Letters from P.Ya. Chaadayev from abroad to his brother, (1823-1826).
Warsaw: the type. Warsaw. training. okr., 1912. - About Pyotr Chaadayev’s works
Russian antiquity. G. 38 1907, V. 131, book. 7-8, July-August
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918. P. 38 1907, V. 131, book. 7-8, July-August: G. 38 1907, Т. 131, кн. 7-8, July-August. 1907.Содерж.: Кн. 8: Две статьи Н. И. Надеждина, написанные по поводу "Философического письма" П. Я. Чаадаева. С. 237-258 [сканы 247-268].
P. Ya. Chaadayev and his views on the fate of Russia
Dobrovolsky, Vladimir Y. (Candidate of Historical Sciences). P. Ya. Chaadayev and his views on the fate of Russia. Moscow, 2007.
- Memory of the philosopher
Petr Yakovlevich Chaadayev and his world outlook
Puzanov, Nikolai Nikanorovich (1880-1909). Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev and his world outlook.
Kiev: Type. I. I. Gorbunova, 1906.
Содерж.: А. Веселовский. Гоголь и Чаадаев. С. 84-95 [сканы 84-95].