Letters from P. Ya. Chaadayev from abroad to his brother, (1823-1826)

  Chaadaev, Petr Yakovlevich  (1794-1856).    
Letters from P.Ya. Chaadayev from abroad to his brother, (1823-1826): With a portrait of the author. - Warsaw: type. Warsaw. training. around the world, 1912. - [2], II, 45 p., 1 l. portraiture. ; 26. - Forewarning: Al. Vilkov S. 3-4: Letter from A. Muravyev-Apostol M. Ya. Chaadayev .
1. Chaadaev, Mikhail Yakovlevich (1792-1866)
ББК 63.3 (2) 521-8Чаадаев, П. Я.
ББК 66.1 (2) 521-8Чаадаев, П. Я.
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher тип. Варшав. учеб. окр.
Catalogue object