Leningrad Region: pages of history
Leningrad Region: pages of history

The selection presents studies, sketches, documents, photo and video materials, that reveal the geographical, socio-economic, political and other aspects of the history of the Leningrad Region in the period of the 18th - early 20th centuries. There is also the current Charter of the Leningrad Region.
Saved frescoes of the Old Ladoga. Church of St. George
Saved frescoes of the Old Ladoga. Church of St. George. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016; Old Ladoga: Old Ladoga Museum-Reserve.
Historical panorama of St. Petersburg and its environs. Part 8. Peterhof, Oranienbaum and Gatchina
Historical panorama of St. Petersburg and its environs [Text]. Part 8: Peterhof, Oranienbaum and Gatchina. Film Moscow: Education, 1911-1915. 1913.
The journal of the presence of His Imperial Highness the Emperor Grand Duke the heir and Tsesarevich Alexander Pavlovich and the wife of His Majesty Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseyevna in Pavlovsky and Gatchina, in August and September 1798
The journal of the presence of His Imperial Highness the Emperor Grand Duke the heir and Tsesarevich Alexander Pavlovich and the wife of His Majesty Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevna in Pavlovsky and Gatchina, in August and September 1798.
St. Petersburg: Type. Heads. Exercise. udelov, 1898.
St. Petersburg: Type. Heads. Exercise. udelov, 1898.
Tikhvin and his shrine
Grigoriev, LI Tikhvin and his shrine. St. Petersburg: Typo-lithography and notopressing by I. P. Rapgoff, 1888.
The islands of Konevets and Valaam and the monasteries there. [1]. Konevets and the monastery there
The islands of Konevets and Valaam and the monasteries there. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Board of Trustees, 1852.
[1]: Konevets Island and the monastery there. 1852.
[1]: Konevets Island and the monastery there. 1852.
НБ Респ. Карелия
The bicentenary of Vyborg
Borodkin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1852-1919).
The bicentenary of the capture of Vyborg.
St. Petersburg: Gos. type., 1910.
St. Petersburg: Gos. type., 1910.
The capture of the Swedish fortress of Noteburg on the Ladoga Lake by Peter the Great in 1702
Krotkov, Apollon Semenovich (1848-1917). The capture of the Swedish fortress of Noteburg on Ladoga Lake by Peter the Great in 1702. St.Petersburg: Printing house of the Marine Ministry, 1896.
Statistical description of the Yamburg county
De la Garde, Alexander
Statistical description of the Yamburgskoe Uyezd. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Lips. 1840.
The case about the consideration in the Council of Ministers of a joint submission of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Railways of April 22, 1913 on the establishment of a joint stock company for the construction of the Ingermanland Railway. etc., from Art. Weimar of the Baltic line of the North-Western railways. etc. to p. Krasnaya Gorka of the St. Petersburg Gubernia.
Russia. Council of Ministers
The case about the consideration in the Council of Ministers of a joint submission of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Railways of April 22, 1913 on the establishment of a joint stock company for the construction of the Ingermanland Railway. etc., from Art. Weimar of the Baltic line of the North-Western railways. etc. to p. Krasnaya Gorka of the Petersburg Guberniya ..
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
On the reorganization of the Children's Music School, the House of Children's Creativity and the creation of the Children's Center for Aesthetic Development of the Lodeinopolsky District
Lodeinopolsky district (Leningrad region). The mayor. On the reorganization of the Children's Music School, the House of Children's Creativity and the creation of the Children's Center for Aesthetic Development of the Lodeinopolsky District. [Toad Field], 1992.