1918 is one of the key one in the history of Russia. It is precisely this year that the formation of the Red Army and the White Movement and the deployment of the Civil War, the conclusion of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and the initiation of intervention, the founding of the Soviet statehood and the adoption of the first Constitution of the RSFSR, the implementation of the economic policy of "military communism" and the adoption of the decree on the Red Terror took place. The Presidential Library presents a special collection dedicated to the main events of this period: from convocation and dispersal of the Constituent Assembly to the seizure of power by A.V. Kolchak in Omsk, the annulment of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk after the beginning of the revolution in Germany and the signing of the Compiègne Armistice, which ended the fighting during the World War I. The material is presented in thematic sections arranged in chronological order. The principle of "from general to particular", allowing step-by-step and in detail to consider problems is in the heart of their construction.
The species composition of the collection is diverse. The collection includes both laws and regulations of the Civil War period, as well as records of state institutions and public organizations. Great importance in covering the events of 1918 belongs to memoirs, diaries and letters of witnesses of events, works of contemporaries, research documents (Soviet and modern periods) and other publications (directories, anniversary issues, published lectures). Visual materials, complementing the picture of events are represented by postcards, photographs, maps, plans, leaflets, posters and newsreels. All materials are grouped in the appropriate sub-sections on the thematic and / or specific features: research and memories, archival materials (including transcripts of meetings, lists, telegrams), visual materials, which facilitates the problems.
While forming the collection, materials from state archives (the State Archives of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Historical Archive, the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, the Russian State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents), central and regional libraries (the Russian State Library, the National Library of Belarus, the Natural Sciences Library, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the State Public Historical Library, the Center the Scientific Library of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library, the Don State Public Library, the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library, the Omsk Regional Scientific Library, the Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library) were used. The collection also included documents provided by higher educational institutions, research centers and museums (the Russian State Humanitarian University, the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, the Russian Geographical Society, the Peterhof State Museum, the Children's Museum of Postcard).
- January
- All-Russian Constituent Assembly
The collection dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the convocation of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly included popular publications written in 1917 with the purpose of acquainting the country's population with the goals, tasks and features of the work of the assembly; materials of the assembly in the form of lists and certificates of delegates, verbatim record of the sole assembly, legislative projects that were discussed by the deputies; welcome telegrams of the public in connection with the opening of the assembly; documents that tell about the consequences and results of the assembly; as well as visual materials, depicting the assembly of January 5 (18) and its participants.
- February
- Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA)
The collection includes decrees, military regulations, studies on the history of the creation of the Red Army and its participation in hostilities, the works of creators, documents on educational and cultural and educational activities, and jubilee materials.
- March
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The collection is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace between the RSFSR and the powers of the Quadruple Alliance of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, by which Russia's participation in the First World War ended. Transcripts of meetings of peace negotiations, essays by contemporaries and members of the Soviet delegation with a general analysis of the foreign policy of the RSFSR during the period under review, as well as photographs of negotiators, are presented.
- August – September