President of Russia: Vladimir Putin met with students of Russia’s leading universities and members of Russia’s Olympic team

25 January 2022

On Russian Students Day Vladimir Putin met via videoconference with students from the leading universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod.

The event was attended by students majoring in mathematics and IT who took part in and won national and international mathematics Olympiads and competitions, such as the IMO, the IMC and the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for college students.

The head of state congratulated the audience on the holiday of Russian students, which, according to a long tradition in Russia, is celebrated on Tatyana's Day.

Vladimir Putin noted: “Thanks to such a connection between generations, Russia is moving forward, making scientific and technological breakthroughs. Including, by the way, in mathematics, in the field of digital technologies, where Russia has, we have good traditions and we firmly occupy a leading position”.

The President of Russia also added: "...I would like to invite you, your professors, teachers to participate in the International Mathematical Congress, which, as you know, will be held in St. Petersburg this summer".