Russian libraries: Plenum of Interregional Cataloguing Committee at the Russian State Library

18 April 2012

All-Russian Conference - Plenary Session of the Interregional Cataloguing Committee (ICC) - is held at the Russian State Library in Moscow on 18-19 April 2012.

ICC Plenum takes place every four years. This year it is timed to coincide with 90th anniversary of ICC and is held within the “Rumyantsev Readings” conference. This workshop is essential for cataloguers and bibliographers to review current situation and work out a single development strategy of cataloging methods’ development in Russian bibliographic institutions. The subject of the forum is “Tendencies of the Modern Russian and International Cataloguing Development”.

The Plenum will cover the following topics:

- Main trends and innovations in domestic and international regulations and guidelines;

- Analysis of International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD consolidated, 2011) and “Russian Cataloging Regulations” (2008);

- Proposals for e-resources cataloging;

- Development proposals for “Russian Cataloging Regulations” and the GOST 7.1-2003.

Cataloguers and bibliographers from ICC member institutions as well as lead experts in cataloging from other Russian bibliographic institutions have been invited to attend the event.