The Presidential Library: Recent Acquisitions

6 April 2012

The holdings of the Presidential Library have been enriched by digital copies of the documents provided by the A. S. Pushkin State Regional Scientific Library of Omsk.

A part of the delivered materials is included in different sections of the Emancipation Reform of 1861 collection.

The pre-history of the problem – the state of the peasant case on the eve of the reform – is reflected in the research work by V. I. Semevsky “Peasant question in Russia in the 18th – first half of the 19th century” [in 2 vol.] Vol. 1 Peasant question in the 18th – early 19th century (St Petersburg, 1888).

On the whole, the history of serfdom and its abolition is described in the essays by S. A. Knyazkov “The formation and decline of serfdom in Russia”, 2nd edition, revised and supplemented (Moscow, 1904) and by T. P. Sokratova-Alabina “The decline of serfdom” (Moscow, 1911).

The “Peasant unrests in 1861” (Moscow, 1936) by N. M. Rostov tells about peasant unrests that followed the announcement of the tsar's Manifesto and the Common Provisions on the peasants who came out of bondage.

“The Great anniversary. The agrarian question and the peasant (emancipation) reform in the Caucasus: historical essay” (Kiev, 1911) by O. Semin treats with the features of the reform on the southern outskirts of the country.

The technical aspect of implementing the reform is presented in The Practical Guide to the measurement of lands and preparation of survey plans, adapted to work on the allotment of the peasants who came out of bondage (St. Petersburg, 1862) compiled by I. D. Dmitriev, Captain of the Survey Engineers Corps.

The second part of the delivered documents reflects the history of printing and publishing in Russia, which is important for understanding the history of education among common people.

The art of printing in its historical development (Moscow, 1923) by M. I. Shchelkunov covers the history of printing from the appearance of written language to the modern (as of the 1920s) state of the industry. One section is devoted to the development of printing in Russia.

Significant revision of the previous edition represents the work by the same author History, technology, art of printing (Moscow, Leningrad, 1926). Supplied with a large number of illustrations (330 illustations and appendices), the present work, in addition to the historical part, contains the basics and rules of book art - how-to guides and tips on typography, bibliology classification (book science), as well as indexes of technical terms, names of publishers, printers, writers, etc.

About the manuscript and printing business in Russia: with 2 drawings in the text and a photograph of the first printed Book of Hours (St. Petersburg, 1890) by I. P. Khrushchov reveals the development of book publishing in Russia.

The life and work of the first Russian printer Ivan Fyodorov is described in the following publications: The first Russian printer, Ivan Fyodorov by N. P. Gervais (Moscow, 1910) from "The Reading for People" series of I. D. Sytin; Ivan Fedorov (Moscow, 1940) by I. L. Bass from a series of "Life of great people"; as well as a collection of articles and materials prepared by the Institute of books, documents, letters, USSR Academy of Sciences Ivan Fedorov, first printer / ed. Acad. A. S. Orlov (Moscow, Leningrad, 1935).

Preparation of new materials continues.