Libraries of Russia: “Life is Beautiful”: Remembering Vladimir N. Zaitsev” presentation in St Petersburg
May 23, 2012 at 16:00 the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) will host a presentation of the book "Life is Beautiful": Remembering Vladimir N. Zaitsev."
The collection is devoted to the memory of the prominent librarianship organizer, talented leader and outstanding man, Vladimir N. Zaitsev (1938-2010). For a quarter-century, V. N. Zaitsev had been heading the National Library of Russia, was the founder and first President of the Russian Library Association.
Among the authors of the book are well-known cultural figures from Russia, USA, Germany, Armenia, Kazakhstan, school and college friends, work colleagues. Different in style and presentation, the articles create an image of an extraordinary personality, who left a deep mark in the history of Russian culture.
The presentation program will include an address by the Director of NLR, A. V. Lihomanov, authors of the book, members of the family and the library staff. There will also be shown a film about V. N. Zaytsev.
The first presentation of the collection of memories about V. N. Zaitsev, "Life is beautiful ..." was held on May 14, 2012 at the Plenary Meeting of the All-Russian Library Congress - XVII Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association in the "Library capital of Russia 2012" - Perm. The book was presented by the director of the National Library of Russia, Anton Vladimirovich Likhomanov.