Information technologies and security: International aspects of projects on information security discussed in Moscow
Opening the Russian Forum on Information security, the Minister of Mass communications Igor Schegolev said that the issues in the field of information security “should be solved not on the basis of corporate rules, but through the conclusion of legally binding international agreements”.
Special attention the Minister has devoted to the projects on information security which are currently supported by Russia. First of all, it concerned the “Convention on ensuring of International Information Security”, presented in September 2011 in Yekaterinburg. This project covers the key issues of counteraction to the threat on the Internet. The fundamental point of the concept is the complete maintenance of State sovereignties and limits of the national regulation, including the Internet-space. “To ensure the rights and security of information interaction is possible only on the basis of the joint integrated solution of the legal, organizational and technological issues, and we believe that the concept we proposed is able to prepare the basis for elaboration of universal conventions under the auspices of the UN and will allow to unite efforts of the world community in this area”, said Igor Schegolev.
The head of the Ministry of Communications in his speech also mentioned “The rules of conduct in the field of ensuring the international information security” and called them as the second step to the way of ensuring of information security. These rules were submitted to the UN on the initiative of Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as an official document. This project is voluntary and it presupposes that those states which will join to it, will assume obligations according to which the cooperation in the fight against criminal and terrorist activities on the Internet will start.
The Minister marked that nowadays the world is moving towards bilateral agreements, and which, in his opinion, will not lead to the effective collaboration of states. “On the Internet you cannot do something unilaterally on bilaterally because it is a global project with a global infrastructure that is why only by joint efforts you can solve problems and prevent threats which this infrastructure is facing or may face”, - says I. Schegolev. According to the head of the Minister of Communications, the guarantee of the legitimacy of any initiatives in the field of information security and their subsequent implementation is the development of international legal basis.