The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library holdings have been enriched with digital documents provided by the Vladimir Regional Universal Scientific Library. The thematic section “Peoples” included digital copies of materials of the local government office of the Vladimir region of XIX-XX centuries – of county land assemblies and district land councils: Melenkovsky Journal (1872, 1897, 1898, 1901–1902, 1907), Kovrovsky (1885, 1887, 1889, 1892–1895, 1900, 1904, 1907, 1908, 1914.), Gorokhovetsky , Vyaznikovsky (1872, 1887, 1894, 1899, 1903, 1907) of county land assemblies; Reports of 1906, 1912, annexes to reports of 1913 and reports of 1913. The Pokrovsky county lands assembly; reports and Vedomosti of Murom county land assembye of 1913 and Report of Pereslavl district land council of 1897. County land assemblies are administrative bodies of land institutions during 1864-1917 years in Russia. Every three years, they elected district councils, supervised their work, approved the land budget, were in charge of layout land duties, etc. Journals of district land assemblies provide a detailed picture of each meeting, of regular or emergency session: the discussion and decision on every issue. They present orders and resolutions on current economic affairs of counties: building and repairing of roads, schools, hospitals, the management of the food business, the organization of land-credit, the improvement of handicraft industry, the organization of land statistics, etc. The executive bodies of the land assemblies were county governments. The governments were entrusted with the direct superintendence of all affairs of local economy and management. They compiled reports on produced throughout the year economic operations, the status of land properties, the state agency within their institutions, amount and distribution of the sent natural duties during the year and etc. The reports and statements of the land county deal with the improvement, construction and maintenance of roads, education, health, the spread of agricultural knowledge; they also provide various statistics. Preparation of new materials continues.