Information technology and culture: Unique collection of ancient Orthodox books in digital format is published in Buryatia

28 November 2012

"The second life of rarities: Ancient Orthodox books" - so called the bibliographic DVD-ROM, was published in Buryatia. It was released by Bichurskaya centralized library and local history system, which won the grant of the Government of Buryatia with the project "Memory of humanity". The purpose of the project - to save the book culture of Old Believers of the Bichurskaya area through the creation of an electronic version of rare books XVIII - XIX centuries.

This unique electronic reference bibliographic publication, which provides information about the book culture of the Old Believers and the electronic version of the Old Believers' books: Canon beginning of XVIII century, Canon of early XIX century, Homily of St. Abba Dorotheus of the end of XIX century, Canon of the late XVIII XIX centuries, The Canon of the XIX century, Chrysostom of the early XIX century, Apostle started of the late XVII-XVIII centuries, Chrysostom of the early XIX century, Requiem of 1912, Book of Hours.

The disc contains the following sections:

- The memory of mankind (Orthodox book and its importance in the lives of Old Believers);

- Library books of Ancient Orthodox books (includes electronic texts and a bibliography of 85 sources);

- Glossary of the names of orthodox books;

- Photo Album (28 pictures of the church, the clergy, the lessons of the department of religious literature);

- Video of "The Daylight is the word of a book" (video overview of Orthodox books with an example of reading the Old Slavonic language);

Abu the project:

For easier reading and use of books database partitions are html-pages associated with each file system and full-text links, text books in PDF.

The project is implemented in cooperation with the Regional Centre for digitization sector access to information resources of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library of the Republic of Buryatia. Center specialists hold a technical and organizational work of translation to digital media texts of Ancient Orthodox books.

The work on the project continues. Currently, the work is under way to digitize books “Bible or Books of Holy writers of the Old and New Testament” in Russian, published in St. Petersburg in 1876.