Internet and society: International study of public awareness on the problems and threats of the Internet conducted

8 February 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The annual International study of public awareness of the problems and threats of the Internet (Microsoft Computing Safety Index, MCSI), conducted by Microsoft, said that, despite the relatively high level of awareness about the threats on the Web, very few Russian internet users provide their cyber security.

The results of an international study were reported as part of the Safer Internet Forum, the president of Microsoft in Russia Nikolai Pryanishnikov. This year's study covered 20 countries.

The index of awareness of Russians about the threats in the Internet was 32.9 points out of a possible 100, which is comparable with the average for all countries (34 points) and above the European average (31.5 points).

In addition, this year, to the study was added another index - mobile security (Microsoft Mobile Safety Index, MMSI), which defines the user awareness about online threats when using mobile devices. Here the rate in Russia reached 43.2 points out of 100, while the average score for all countries - 40, and in Europe - 38.3 points. The results show that the level of awareness about the Internet threats of Russians using mobile devices is higher than the average. Clearly, however, the majority of respondents still do not possess the necessary knowledge about the tools that can help to protect against hazards.

“With the increase of the intensity of the use of Internet by children, the development of e-commerce, using Web technologies as everyday working tools issue of online security has become even more relevant. However, the ignorance remains the biggest threat to the web - said Nikolay Pryanishnikov. - That is why Microsoft is studying the needs of users, their level of awareness of the problems and threats and develops special technology and training materials to improve security of users in the Internet”.