The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

12 April 2013

The Presidential Library holdings have been enriched with digital copies of documents, provided by different sources.

The M. Gorky Volgograd Regional Universal Scientific Library provides the album of Emeritus professor of the Imperial Nicholas Military Academy, a full member of the Imperial Russian Military and Historical Society F. A. Maksheev For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland: The Patriotic War of 1812 in pictures: 1812-1912 (Paris, 1912), including a brief outline of the War of 1812 and the paintings of artists (V. V. Vereshchagin, A. D. Kivshenko, P. Hess, D. Dow, and others) with explanatory texts; as well as a reference book Stalingrad (Stalingrad, 1936), containing information about the history of the city, its territory and population, climate, industry, commerce, housing, education, health, transport, party organizations, the press, etc.

By the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library to the centennial anniversary of the famous Soviet fighter pilot, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, a native of Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk), Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin is handed a bibliography A man of a legend. Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin (Novosibirsk, 2013), including 733 publications, grouped into 5 sections. The edition is preceded by an article by Candidate of Historical Sciences V. N. Shumilov and biographical information with chronicle of the life of the hero and the list of his awards.

The A. S. Pushkin Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library provided a catalog of Russian books of civil press of the XVIII century (1711-1800) in the archives, libraries, museums of the Tambov region (Tambov, 2011), which contains a description of 676 books, documentary acts (orders, manifests, contracts) and sheet ( odes, epistles, elegies) materials.

The State Public Historical Library provided editions of the beginning of the XIX century. – the first quarter of the XX century. S. V. Stroynovsky in his work On the conditions of the landowners and peasants (Vilna, 1809), written before the 1861 reform, talking about the individual, but the release of landless peasants, advances the idea of ​​concluding treaties of land on the basis of free hiring. In the book of A. A. Rybnikov Small Industry of Russia. Rural artisan and crafts before the war (New York, 1923) are summarized the statistics on the handicraft industry in Russia before the First World War (1910-1913.). In the work of G. Hartwig Nature and Man in the High North (St. Petersburg, 1897) is presented an overview of the polar regions, the characteristic features of the fauna, flora and the Far North, a systematic description of some areas and individual seats, the research data of polar navigators and explorers (P. K. Pakhtusov, K. E. Baer, ​​S. I. Dezhnev, D. Y. and H. P. Laptevs, D. Billings, etc.).

The Russian State Historical Archive provides the Map of North America (RSHA. F. 1487. Op. 1. I. 346), compiled by F. L. Güffefeld based on the best British maps of the time and published by «Heritieres de Homann» in 1784. The map depicts the thirteen North American states.

From the private collection there was received the monograph by B. G. Smirnov Unknown Wrangel (St. Petersburg, 2006) - the first scientific publication on the life and activities of the sailor, hydrographer, meteorologist, historian, member of the Russian-Turkish war Ferdinand Ferdinandovich Wrangel. The book is based on materials of the Russian State Historical Archive, the Russian State Archive of the Navy, the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg, many scientific journals and publications of the late XIX century - the beginning of XX century.

The preparation of new materials continues.