History and culture: The large-scale exposition “Word and Glory of Russia” opened in Yamal

3 April 2014

April 2, 2014 in Salekhard in the I. S. Shemanovsky Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Museum-Exhibition Complex opened a large-scale exposition “Word and Glory of Russia”, presented collection on the history of the Cossacks from the moment of its formation (XVI century) to modern days (XXI century).

The exhibition, organized as part of the Arctic Cultural Forum “Culture as a strategic resource of the development of modern society”, will be running in the main museum of Yamal till May 10. Here is shown the role of the Cossacks in the formation of the Russian statehood, protection of borders of the Russian empire, the revival of historical traditions and patriotic upbringing of the younger generation. 

According to organizers, the symbolic is the fact that the opening of the exhibition is held in the Year of Culture in Russia and the Year of Civic Unity in the autonomous area. The exposition “Word and Glory of Russia”, consisting of 19 sections, one takes about 1 thousand square meters. Here is presented over 1 thousand exhibits.