Libraries and society: The World Library and Information Congress may be held in Russia in 2017
At a meeting of the Board of IFLA, which took place in Lyon as part of the World Library and Information Congress in August 2014, was adopted the Russian Library Association application for the holding in Moscow in 2017 of the World Library and Information Congress - IFLA General Conference.
The initiative and request of the Russian Library Association to hold the Congress in 2017 was supported by the Minister of Culture of Russia V. R. Medinsky in his official letter to the President of IFLA, which is a prerequisite for consideration of documents. The proposal includes a large set of documents prepared by the RBA in conjunction with the National Library of Russia, the Russian State Library, the Rusomino Russian National Library of Foreign Literature and the Nekrasov Central City Library of Moscow.
The contest to hold the World Library and Information Congress involves a number of European countries. The final decision the IFLA Broad will take in April 2015.