The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

5 September 2014

The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with materials provided by the A. S. Pushkin Transbaikal Regional Universal Scientific Library and the S. P. Krasheninnikov Kamchatka Regional Scientific Library.

New acquisitions include editions dedicated to the history of the Far East and China.

In the illustrated geographic collection, compiled by professors of geography A. Kruber, S. Grigoriev, A. Barkov and S. Chefranov, Asian Russia (Moscow, 1903) describes the geographical, ethnographic features of the Caucasus, Turkestan, Steppes and Siberia; nationalities, inhabiting these regions, their customs; flora and fauna and etc. The publication has 16 individual drawings and 84 illustrations in the text.  

In the book On Russian Far East: the people, their lives and morals: the diary of a wanderer. Volume 2 (Moscow, 1911) author G. T. Murov presented the results of his study, whose main task is to find out the prevailing types of people in the Far East. The reader acquaints with the city of Khabarovsk, its sights, life and entertainment of its residents, with the way of life, traditions and customs of the peoples living in the region of the Amur River, the position of the Amur Cossacks, with issues of fishery in the region.

The experience of the full member of Amur department of Imperial Russian Geographical Society A. P. Silnitsky on a trip to Kamchatka and Anadyr River are described in the publication of Notes of the Amur region department of the Russian Geographical Society. Volume 2, issue 3 (Khabarovsk, 1897).

Essay Materials on Nat issue in the Far East. Issue 1: The current state of the native tribes D. V. (Chita, 1924) is the first summary of the work on the native question, produced for the Department of the Office of the DRC for 1922-1923. The publication presents data size of peoples of the Far East, areas of settlement of the natives, the economic situation of the peoples. The questions of the Sovietization of native tribes, in particular, the settlement of the native fishery, cultural and educational business, health care and etc. are considered.

The edition About Kamchatka: how workers and collective farmers can move to Kamchatka (Moscow, 1931) introduces the nature, population, land and forest resources and minerals of the Peninsula. The benefits and privileges provided by the Soviet government parties of socialist construction are presented.  

The monograph by A. P. Tarasov The Baikal region and China: the experience of the analysis of international relations (Chita, 2003) on the example of the Chita Region and Inner Mongolia is explored complex of issues in Russian-Chinese relations at the regional level, 1988-2002. The book is written on the basis of a wide range of sources, including archival materials. Domestic works of national, western, Chinese researchers are used.

A brief historical sketch of Manchuria (Harbin, 1917) by P. N. Menshikov contains the history of the territory of modern northeastern China and the peoples who inhabited it before the beginning of the XX century.

A brief overview of China (Harbin, 1927) is a supplement to "Map of Inner China", published by the Economic Bureau of the Chinese Eastern Railway. The Survey put the general information about the country: geographical location, geology, climate, flora and fauna; population; economics and finance, transportation and etc.

The edition China: political-economic and geographical essays (Chita, 1923) contains information on the territorial location of China, its boundaries, flora and fauna, population, means of communication. Most of the book is devoted to the history of China, its mores, customs until 1842, the period after the First Opium War of 1840-1842, characterized by the dominance of foreign capital and political subjugation of China, as well as the period of the beginning of the XX century – the Xinhai Revolution and the Civil War 1911-1913.

Book by M. N. Ershov Modern China and European culture (Harbin, 1931) is devoted to the socio-economic situation of China and the influence on it of European civilization.

The preparation of new materials continues.