Tobolsk Museum-Reserve was established

20 April 1870

One of the oldest museums in Siberia - the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve - was established on April 8 (20), 1870. It was the initiative of the secretary of the Tobolsk Provincial Statistical Committee Ivan Nikolayevich Yushkov to create the Museum, which was supported by the governor of Tobolsk Andrian Stepanovich Sologub. Yushkov got this Idea while performing the governor’s order - preparing Tobolsk Province for participation in the All-Russian Manufacture Exhibition in 1870. Originally, the museum was a branch of the Provincial Statistical Committee. It was not only a repository of antiquities and relics but also a scientific institution, which foundation laid the grounds of such disciplines as archeology and ethnography.

In 1876, the III International Congress of Orientalists showcased more than 100 archaeological and ethnographic objects. At this exhibition, the Western Siberian branch took first place for the most refined set of exhibits. Collections of the Tobolsk Museum attracted the attention of many European scientists.

In 1886, it was decided to construct a special building for the museum. Its foundation was laid on the day of the 300th anniversary of Tobolsk, June 4 (16), 1887. The initiator of the construction was the Tobolsk Governor V. A. Troinitsky. The museum was built according to the project of architect P. P. Aplecheev for donations from Tobolsk residents in 1888. In the spring of 1889, all the exhibits were moved to the halls of the new building, put in order and placed in five departments: natural-historical, ethnographic, archaeological, industrial, and general.

On April 10 (22), 1889, the museum was officially opened in a new building. It became an independent institution and was controlled by the Ministry of State Property. V. A. Troinitsky became not only the organizer and patron of the Museum. He also participated in raising money, developing a research program, and arranging exhibitions.

On October 7 (19), 1891, the heir to the Emperor's throne, Nikolai Alexandrovich, the future emperor Nicholas II, visited the Tobolsk Provincial Museum while traveling from Piraeus to Vladivostok and also along the rivers of Siberia. Tsesarevich donated gold cufflinks to the museum curator N. A. Lytkin, and a ring with precious stones to librarian S. N. Mamaev. At the request of the Governor V. A. Troinitsky, Nikolai Aleksandrovich accepted the museum under his highest patronage. On June 11 (23), 1893, Tsesarevich donated to the Tobolsk Provincial Museum his portrait, in which he was in an ataman's uniform, and a copper board with a memorable record about his visit.

In 1893-1918 the Museum issued a collection of scientific materials "Tobolsk Provincial Museum Yearbook". This unique edition of the first Siberian museum is a collection of valuable information about Western Siberia. Now it is a bibliographic rarity.

Since 1910, the museum collection gets new acquisitions thanks to expeditions to different regions of Tobolsk Province. The expeditions were arranged by the museum’s managing committee. In  1900-1927, 37 expeditions were made. As a result of the selfless activity of scientists and researchers during this period, one of the most unique ethnographic collection in Russia was formed. It reflected the everyday life and crafts of the Western Siberia residents.

In 1921, a Museum of the Tobolsk North was created on the basis of the Provincial Museum. In 1925, the Museum-Reserve moved to the building of the bishop’s house, located on the territory of the Tobolsk Kremlin. In the same year, the institution received collections from the relicts repository of the Fine Arts Museum, created by Tobolsk artist P. P. Chukomin.

In 1961, by a decision of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the Tobolsk Museum of Local Lore turned into the Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. The Museum contained the architectural monuments of Tobolsk, the Tobolsk Kremlin, and the museum's collection. The ensemble of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve is included in the "List of objects of the historical and cultural heritage of federal (all-Russian) significance" by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 176 of February 20, 1995.

The contemporary history of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve was launched in 2007, in a period of new development. It happened due to a radical change in the exhibition's concept, focused on the maximum use of resources. A lot of work was done on museumification and development of the tourism industry by the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin on the creation of a tourist center based on the historical and architectural heritage of Tobolsk and with the financial support of the Government of Tyumen Region.

In January 2009, the opening of the main object of the museum's exposition - the Governor's Palace, took place. The memorial building houses an exposition devoted to the history of Siberia’s governance: from Yermak to 1917.

In 2015, the "Siberian Entreprise Museum" was opened in the "Gostiny Dvor" and the "Gingerbread Palace" was opened in the "Governor’s Palace". In 2016, the "Museum of Crafts" exhibition center and the "Kamelyok" family museum center launched their work. In 2017, the three state autonomous cultural institutions formed the single museum institution of Tyumen Region. I. Y. Slovtsov's Museum Complex, the Tobolsk Historical, and Architectural Museum-Reserve, and the Yalutorovsk Museum Complex were united into a single state autonomous cultural institution "Tyumen Museum Educational Association".

Today, the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve is a branch of the "Tyumen Museum Educational Association". It is a cultural space for organizing meaningful leisure activities for Tobolsk and Tyumen Region residents. It is the venue for cultural, scientific, educational, gala events of all-Russian and international significance. The Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve includes 55 objects, about 450 thousand museum objects in the collections. The most valuable are collections of ethnography, archeology, paleontology, manuscripts, and early printed books, handicrafts (including art bone carving), a photo collection, and items of the Romanov family.


Lit.: Акулич Е. М. Тобольский государственный историко-архитектурный музей-заповедник (ТГИАМЗ) // Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Тюмень, 2004. Т. 3. Р-Я (с. 217); Белобородов В. К. Тобольский губернский музей и тобольское общество // Подорожник: краеведческий альманах / ред.-сост. В. К. Белобородов. Тюмень, 2010. Вып. 12 (с. 233-259); Сидорова С. Ю. 140 лет Тобольскому музею // Реликвариум. 2011. № 1 (с. 18-25);Сидорова С. Ю. Тобольский историко-архитектурный музей-заповедник — социокультурный ресурсный центр региона // Тобольск научный — 2012: материалы всероссийской научно-практической конференции. Тобольск, 2012 (с. 462-467); Сидорова С. Ю. Старейший музей Сибири // Лик. 2013. № 5 (с. 84-105).


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 1. Тобольск, 1893;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 2. Тобольск, 1894;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 3. Тобольск, 1895;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 4. Тобольск, 1895;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 7. Тобольск, 1897;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 8. Тобольск, 1897;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 9. Тобольск, 1898;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 10. Тобольск, 1900;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 11. Тобольск, 1899;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 12. Тобольск, 1901-1902;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 13. Тобольск, 1902;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 14. Тобольск, 1904-1905;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 15. Тобольск, 1905-1906;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 16. Тобольск, 1906-1907;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 17. Тобольск, 1907-1909;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 18. Тобольск, 1908-1910;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 19. Тобольск, 1909-1911;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 20. Тобольск, 1910-1912;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 21. Тобольск, 1911-1913;

Ежегодник Тобольского губернского музея. Вып. 22. Тобольск, 1912-1914;

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Терновский А. А. Библиография и иконография Тобольского Губернского Музея: (с приложением указателя изданий, в которых встречаются статьи, заметки и даже простые упоминания о Тобольском Губернском Музее), с 1886 по август 1894 г. Тобольск, 1894;

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