Birth of Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin, Statesmen and Magistrate, Privy Councillor
Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin was born on July 3 (15), 1842 in the family of Mikhail Alexandrovich Vesyolkin (1812-1889), Privy Councillor, Vice-Governor of Poltava Governorate.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin studied at the Imperial Alexander Lyceum. From 1862, being a titular councillor, he worked in the chancellery of the Naval Ministry, was the secretary of Rear Admiral Likhachyov, the commander of armored cavalry squadron. He participated in the sea campaigns of the Vladimir steam frigate and the Sevastopol frigate in the Baltic Sea, to the shores of America.
In 1862, Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin published his research article On the jury trial in France in the Morskoy Sbornik (Naval Book) magazine.
From 1866, Chamber-Junker Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin served in the Ministry of Justice as temporary associate of the prosecutor of the St. Petersburg District Court. In 1869-1874, he worked as prosecutor in Saratov Governorate, member of Saratov Judicial Chamber, Chairman of Izyum District Court of Kharkov Governorate. From 1876, he acted as Chairman of Piotrków Governorate (Kingdom of Poland), from 1878 – as Chairman of Smolensk District Court.
In 1890, Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin was appointed Governor of Olonets Governorate. Under his administration, in 1890-1896, the Mariinsky water system was reconstructed in Vytegorsky Uezd, and the office of Russian Society of the Red Cross was opened in Petrozavodsk in 1891. Olonets’ Governor Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin wrote: “Due to the poor harvests in 1891 and indigence, I made the decision to open local offices of the Society in the Governorate. The decision was met with sympathy, and there are now over 2000 members in the Society”. He also became the first Chairman of the Petrozavodsk Office of the Russian Society of the Red Cross.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin initiated the restoration of the Martsialnye Vody (Marcial Waters) resort. He understood the importance of mineral water’s healing properties in the resort’s springs. Therefore, he ordered the Alexandrovsky factory to conduct a research of the water and to publish the results in the Olonets Governorate Vedomosti newspaper.
Governor Vesyolkin contributed to the development of public education in Olonets Governorate. Eight schools of literacy, nine parochial schools and three zemstvo schools were opened during his time.
From 1892-1893, Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin worked as Governor of Chernigov, from 1893-1897 – as Governor of Kherson. He died in Moscow in 1897.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Vesyolkin was awarded the Order of Saint Anna of 1st and 2nd classes, the Order of Saint Stanislaus of 1st class, the Order of Saint Vladimir of 3rd class.
Lit.: Весёлкин М. Из обращения председателя Петрозаводского управления общества Красного Креста в Олонецкое губернское земское собрание с просьбой о выделении денег для курсов по подготовке сестёр милосердия, 21 января 1892 г. / председатель управления М. Весёлкин // Петрозаводск: 300 лет истории: документы и материалы. В 3 кн. Кн. 2. 1803–1903 / Архивное управление Республики Карелия, Национальный архив Республики Карелия; составители: Т. А. Варухина [и др.]. Петрозаводск, 2001. С. 314–315; Кораблёв Н. А. Олонецкие губернаторы и генерал-губернаторы: биографический справочник. Петрозаводск, 2006 (Из содерж.: Весёлкин М. М. С. 100-104); Мошина Т. А. Портрет губернатора. Установление авторства и личности персонажа // Вестник Карельского государственного краеведческого музея: сборник научных трудов. Петрозаводск, 2006. Вып. 5. С. 89–94, портр. на вкл. в конце кн. (ил. 69); Объявления: [об открытии в г. Петрозаводске Олонецкого управления Российского общества Красного Креста под руководством М. М. Весёлкина] // Олонецкие губернские ведомости. 1892. 11 января (№ 3). С. 2; Петрозаводск: 300 лет истории: документы и материалы. В 3 кн. Кн. 2. 1803–1903 / Архивное управление Республики Карелия, Национальный архив Республики Карелия; составители: Т. А. Варухина [и др.]. (Из содерж.: Именной указатель (Весёлкин М. М.). С. 386); Петрозаводск: хроника трёх столетий, 1703–2003 / М. В. Пулькин, Н. А. Кораблёв, Е. Ю. Дубровская [и др.]; под общей редакцией Н. А. Кораблёва [и др. ]. Петрозаводск, 2002 (Из содерж.: Указатель имен (Весёлкин М. М.). С. 503); Сведения о средствах и составе Олонецкого местного управления Российского общества Красного Креста // Олонецкие губернские ведомости. 1892. 12 февраля (№ 12). С. 5–6.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Based on the article of the National Library of Republic of Karelia